Weekly News in English (17/12/2023)

Weekly News in English (17/12/2023)

The Acting President of the National Unity Government, H.E. Duwa Lashi La sends a message to the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Myanmar Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun attends the Plenary Meeting of 78th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, and the Myanmar citizens in New York participate in a rally to commemorate International Human Rights Day.


1. The Acting President of the National Unity Government, H.E. Duwa Lashi La sent a message to the World Climate Summit and Senior Officials Meeting of the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), on 9th December. According to the message, the Acting President stated that Myanmar is extremely vulnerable to climate change. This terrible situation is worsened by the terrorist military junta's illegal extraction of our natural resources during the country's crisis. Now that the National Unity Government and ethnic revolutionary groups have expanded their control areas, we can not only manage the environment well, but we can also implement our commitments to combat climate change in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development. The Acting President reiterated that he will keep the promises made in light of the country's capacity to reduce CO2 emissions from electricity generation by 105.24 million tons, to reduce deforestation by 50% and reduce CO2 emissions from cumulative net emissions by 123.5 million tons, to distribute one million LPG stoves and reduce CO2 emissions from 14.94 million tons by distributing electricity from renewable energy sources to 2.7 million rural residents by 2030. 


2. The President of Timor-Leste, José Ramos-Horta, urged the military officials and soldiers from the terrorist military junta to open a new door for the country by not killing the people and not firing a single bullet, according to the release of the video clip of the National Unity Government of "The President of Timor Leste's Exhortation to the Members of the Myanmar Armed Forces. According to the President of East Timor, the hope of democracy in Myanmar was in 2015-2020, but it was destroyed when the military seized power. He also stated that during these years, he alerted the international community about Myanmar, but the international community was only interested in the Rohingya issue rather than Myanmar's democratic issue. However, Myanmar's problem extends beyond the Rohingya. The Myanmar terrorist military is currently killing civilians. Military officers and soldiers were born from civilians, so they must protect civilians. He urged them to open the country's new door by refusing to point their guns at the people and not firing a single bullet. The President of East Timor reiterated that military soldiers have historic opportunities to restore democracy in the country, Southeast Asia, and Asia. The East Timor president also urged the terrorist military armed forces to grab the opportunity to make history. This historical right is fully protected, and no more wars are necessary. You may return to your barracks. You are not required to point guns at your people. Return your weapons to the barracks. Join the People's Military on the road to democracy. Help one another. Let us put an end to this evil. Timor-Leste is also a country that has called on the international community, including the United Nations, to help Myanmar achieve democracy and to take action against Myanmar's terrorist military junta.


3. The Myanmar Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, attended the Plenary Meeting of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, under Agenda Item 72: Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance, held on 8th December. The Ambassador stated that the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance has grown from 1 million before the illegal coup to over 18 million in 2023. The humanitarian response plan of 887 million USD remains critically underfunded. He urges the member states and international donors to continue injecting funds to help the people in need. Currently, over 2 million people have been displaced. Over 15 million people are experiencing food insecurity. Therefore, providing humanitarian assistance through community networks and cross-border channels by local actors in conflict-affected areas remains the best possible modality in a situation like Myanmar. 


4. The Ichun Cultural Foundation in Seoul, Korea presented the Public Benefit Award to the Myanmar Representative Office of the National Unity Government in the Republic of Korea on December 9.

Every year, the Ichun Culture Foundation in Seoul grants awards to deserving public benefit organizations that actively collaborate with the general public to create happy communities. The Ichun Cultural Foundation Hall in Seoul hosted the award ceremony, which was attended by U Yan Naing Htun, the representative of Myanmar in Korea, who also accepted the award. He clarified the situation in Myanmar following the revolution. It is reported that, for the second time in 2023, not only Korean social organizations, as in the previous year, but also the Korean NUG representative office, a Myanmar organization actively working for Myanmar's democracy, were chosen in the selection of public benefit awardees. 


5. A rally was held in Time Square, the center of New York City, with the theme "Let's root out the military dictatorship to restore human rights," in observance of International Human Rights Day, on 10th December. The rally was organized by the New York City Burmese Community-NYCBC, and it was attended by Myanmar citizens from New York. They demanded immediate stop to the terrorist military junta's violence, as well as action against the military's airstrikes and killing of civilians, including in refugee camps. They also asked for international sanctions, including UN sanctions. They also launched an AungThabya (Eugenia) movement in order to achieve victory for the People's Defense Forces (PDF) and ethnic defense forces, which stood firmly on the side of the people during the spring revolution and fought to defend against the terrorist military force. After that, some attendees demanded the immediate release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and those unlawfully detained, as well as solidarity with students sentenced to death for their beliefs. They discussed the advancement of women's rights and the protection of children's rights.




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