(17/03/2024) Weekly News in English

(17/03/2024) Weekly News in English

The Acting President of the National Unity Government, H.E. Duwa Lashi La, was reported on the military situation by the Union Minister for the Ministry of Defense, U Ye Mon, the Myanmar Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun attends the United Nations Security Council Open Debate and the Athan organization announces that phone and internet lines access have been cut in more than eighty townships in Myanmar.


1. The Acting President of the National Unity Government, H.E. Duwa Lashi La, was briefed on the military situation by the Union Minister for the Ministry of Defense U Ye Mon. Similarly, Union Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than was reported by Deputy Minister for the Ministry of Defense Naing Kaung Ywet. They also presented and discussed the People's Defense Forces' strategic efforts to eliminate the terrorist military junta that is killing people on every day. The ethnic EROs and People's Defense Forces are currently undertaking coordinated operations.


2. The National Unity Consultative Council-NUCC and the National League for Democracy issued a joint statement on March 14th regarding the public campaign anti forced conscription, stating that the signatures obtained through collective signing will be shared and sent to international governments, ASEAN and UN Security Council. According to the statement, as it is an act of forcing the young generation to participate in the terrorist military junta's war crimes, people all over the world and throughout the country must protest the forced recruitment of soldiers and any plans by the terrorist military junta to implement this process. Therefore, protests against force recruitment by the people of Myanmar, including young people at home and abroad, on March 10th 2024. The certificates obtained, which reflect the wishes of the Myanmar people will be sent to international governments, ASEAN, the United Nations Security Council, the United Nations Human Rights Council, the International Labour Organization, including the European Union, and other international organizations, and these organizations will continue to take action until the terrorist military junta is deposed. Therefore, it is requested that you join and sign the petition at https://www.change.org/antiforcedconscription


3. The Myanmar Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, attended the United Nations Security Council Open Debate Promoting Conflict Prevention - Empowering All Actors Including Women and Youth in New York, on March 13th. During the discussion, the Ambassador stated that we have repeatedly urged the Security Council to take action concrete actions to help address the suffering of Myanmar People. The people of Myanmar and I myself are already tired of appealing the UN in particular the UN Security Council to help the helpless Myanmar people as our appeals have so far met with lack of concrete action, even serious attention from them. Even the people of Myanmar are asking a valid question, where are you, the United Nations, to save lives in Myanmar?, he continued. Though we, the People of Myanmar, are tired of it, on behalf of them, I have to urge the UN security council again to adopt an enforcement resolution as follow-us to its resolution 2669 adopted in December 2022.


4. The Athan organization announced on March 13th, that phone and internet service has been disconnected in more than 80 townships in Myanmar since the military took over power until the end of February 2024. According to the Athan Organization, phone and internet service has been disconnected in practically all of Rakhine State's townships, as well as 27 others, including the southern part of Kalay Township in Sagaing Region. The Internet line is mostly cut off in the places where the fighting occurred, and the terrorist military junta uses a four-cut approach to obstruct the flow of information and conquer revolutionary activities on purpose. Because these connection lines have been cut, it is difficult for locals to obtain accurate information, and in those eighty townships, banking and money transfer services based on the Internet are almost inactive. Zalen Media, a local media organization, stated that internet connections are still down throughout Chin State, and phone lines are frequently down. According to a report released on October 4, 2023 by the US-based Freedom House group, Myanmar is the second worst country in the world after China for the worst violation of Internet freedom.


5. La Communaut Birmane de France and NUG France will host a discussion with Professor Miemie Winn Byrt, head of the Asia-Pacific Center for Strategic Studies, Myanmar military expert/former US Army (Ret.), and the Myanmar Community in France in Paris, on March 31, 2024. Along with the meeting, Myanmar food will also be offered in order to provide the necessary funds for Myanmar. In addition, Myanmar community in France has been invited to have a close discussion with Daw Miemie Winn Byrt, to discuss the progress of the military and political situation in Myanmar, as well as to support the Myanmar people.


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