Weekly News in English (28/04/2024)

Myanmar Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, attends the General Debate of the 2024 ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum in New York, the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management of NUG provides emergency humanitarian aid to people fleeing the war from Myawaddy and the terrorist military junta’s forces launches two 300-pound bombs in an aerial bombardment of Konetha village, Loikaw Township of Karenni State.


1. Myanmar Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, attended the General Debate of the 2024 ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, on 25th April. The Ambassador said that the recent unlawful forced conscription of the military junta have pushed many youth, including those are working in private sector, in hiding and fleeing the country. Myanmar is currently at the intersection of political, economic and developmental crises. Cooperation and effective assistance from the international community should be conflict-sensitive and tailored to the aspiration of our people. It is crystal clear that ending the military dictatorship and building a federal democratic union is the only way forward to create a conductive environment to the successful implementation of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the 2030 Agenda, above all to the peace and stability in Myanmar. The Ambassador also added that domestic and international private business and finance. The World Bank reported that financial sector reforms have also stagnated and are in danger of being reversed after illegal military coup. Microfinance institutions were impacted by the subsequent domestic banking crisis, affecting 5 million customers including many MSMEs.


2.  The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management of the National Unity Government provided emergency humanitarian aid to 250 households that fled the war from Myawaddy Township, on 21st April. The assistance provided includes sleeping mats, fans, baby diaper, sardines, bread, snacks, and soap, mosquito repellent and other necessities. The terrorist military junta forces launched in day and night bombardments on civilian houses in Myawaddy and the surrounding areas along the Thai-Myanmar border. They are threatening people's lives and property, thus locals have fled to Mae Sot district in Tak Province, among other places.


3. According to the All Myanmar Political Prisoners Network (PPNM) officially announcement on April 19th, at least four prisoners were killed, five prisoners were reportedly in a critical condition, and more than ten injured prisoners are in urgent need of medical treatment during the shooting in Myintkyina Prison. On April 18th, at 4:00 p.m., a prison protest broke out between Prison officials and prisoners as the terrorist military junta granted one of six reduced for release conditions, although not all of the prisoners were released. Witnesses reported hearing at least 100 gunshots on April 18th around 4:15 PM, as 5 cars carrying 70 police and military personnel entered the Myintkyina prison to repress the demonstration. On April 19th until 3:00 PM, prisoners were still being taken out of the Myintkyina prison by ambulances, and the injured or dead prisoners were being taken out by local fire engines, but they were taken to the military compound hospital rather than the hospital.


4. According to a Kayan New Generation Youth-KNGY report, the terrorist military junta’s forces launched two 300-pound bombs in an aerial bombardment of Konetha village, Loikaw Township,  Karenni State, at 11:50 p.m. on 20th April. As a result of the attack, 2 men and 4 women were killed, including two girls under the age of 5, and at least 10 were injured. In addition, it is reported that about 20 houses in Konetha village were damaged.  In recent days, three civilian fleeing the war have been killed and others injured due to an airstrike attack of the terrorist military junta’s forces on Pekon Township in Karenni State.


5. Justice for Myanmar - JFM has stated that the new United Nations Capital Development Fund-UNCDF report is very irresponsible and undermines the efforts of the Myanmar people who are striving to achieve federal democracy.  The report appears to legitimize the military junta as if it were the government of Myanmar. Although, ‘government’ is not defined in the report, Justice for Myanmar concludes that UNCDF means ‘Junta’ since the organization is operating in Myanmar with junta permission and that the junta is illegally acting as the telecommunications regulator in Myanmar, which is relevant to many of the issues raised. Inextricably, the report fails to address the context of the military’s illegal coup attempt and campaign of terror against the people, which involves efforts to build a digital dictatorship with electronic surveillance and mass censorship. There is a single mention of internet shutdowns, no mention of human rights. JFM also mentioned that UNCDF seems to be encouraging more investment in the digital economy and business with the junta, despite the legitimate National Unity Governments guidance that companies should avoid all business with the junta and not make new proposals to the Myanmar Investment Commission. UNCDF also fails to identify the severe risks of business activities that can support the junta’s digital surveillance efforts, and the responsibilities of businesses under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to conduct identify, mitigate and remedy negative human rights impacts. While the report mentions a ‘complex economic and humanitarian crisis’, ‘political and social unrest’ and ‘instability’, it does not identify the cause of the crisis in Myanmar, which is the illegal military junta. UNCDF and the UN Country Team in Myanmar should be addressing the root cause of the Myanmar crisis, which is the Myanmar military and its continued impunity. After Justice For Myanmar criticized, UNCDF report on Myanmar has been taken offline.




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