(In English) 17th Aug 2023 - Evening Daily News by Radio NUG

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📌 Spring Revolution Local News – Aug 17, 2023 (Evening)

📌📌 1. CRPH sends a felicitation letter to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Karenni Army Day

The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) sent a felicitation letter to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Karenni Army Day, which fell on August 17.

In the letter, the CRPH sent prayers to the Karenni Army soldiers and all Karenni people to be safe from all dangers and to be able to build a peaceful area free of conflicts as soon as possible.

The CRPH expressed its appreciation towards Karenni people who are fighting in the current spring revolution to end the military dictatorship with strong organisation and unity, just as they have been fighting against the evil dictatorship for more than 70 years for their equity, self-determination, freedom, and the right to shape their own destiny, and it paid respect to each and every Karenni ethnic martyr who sacrificed their lives in the course.

The CRPH urged continuous fighting to end the military dictatorship with collective strength while taking caution, with political and military awareness, of the junta’s divisions and attempts to stop the spring revolution.

With the collective strength of all ethnic fellow organisations, the CRPH reaffirmed its commitment to working together in pursuit of the common goal of creating a new peaceful federal democratic union.


📌📌 2. Defence Minister U Yee Mon discloses that the MOD has trained over 300 commanders

In an interview in August, Defence Minister U Yee Mon said, “At this time, as the Ministry of Defence, we have conducted commander training called ‘Company Commander Training’ as an important strategy of the ministry. The alliance organisation also helped to make this training possible, and now we have been able to train more than 300 commanders from this training.”

Currently, there are over 300 battalions and columns of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) spread throughout the country, in addition to the People’s Defence Organisations (PDOs/Pa-Ka-Fa), which function as People Militia, that have been set up in over 250 townships, making up a total of about hundreds of thousands of defence soldiers nationwide.


📌📌 3. The genocidal military junta is employing religion, starvation, disease, rape, and hate speech as tools of destruction

Union Minion Dr. Sasa delivered an address at the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions Conference on “A Call to Conscience: Defending Freedom & Human Rights,” which took place in Chicago, USA, from August 14–18, 2023.

Union Minister Dr. Sasa stated in his address that the actions of the genocidal military junta “have reduced more than 70,000 homes to ashes, including places of worship, schools, and hospitals,” which “marks an immeasurable scale of pain, suffering, death, and destruction for the people of Myanmar, displaced nearly 2 million people, and pushed over 18 million people into dire circumstances necessitating life-saving assistance.”

Consequently, the Union Minister stated, “More than 48 million citizens of Myanmar now live below the poverty line. The genocidal military junta employs religion, starvation, disease, rape, and hate speech as tools of destruction, with the most tragic example being the genocidal attack against the Rohingya Muslim population.”

Moreover, the Union Minister also stated that the genocidal military junta has perpetrated over 4,400 innocent lives lost and unjustly incarcerated 24,000 individuals, including 800 children, Myanmar President U Win Myint, and State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, in the past 30 months.


📌📌 4. Major General Aung Myat of the Karenni Army, expressed confidence in the strength and success of the revolution

In a speech at the 75th anniversary of Karenni Army Day, which fell on August 17, 2023, Major General Aung Myat, the commander-in-chief of the Karenni Army, said, “The Karenni people are resilient in the face of nature, but not in politics. Therefore, in a revolution, the populace must be led in the right way. I would especially like to ask that you all respect human rights. I absolutely believe that the revolution will be stronger and achieve its success because the majority of Bamar (Burman) people in Myanmar have also take part in the revolution.”

Ceremonies commemorating the 75th anniversary of Karenni Army Day were held in various places, with officials in attendance.


📌📌 5. Over 15,000 locals from 17 villages in Yinmarbin and Kani Townships are being displaced due to fear of military junta raids

According to local news sources, due to the arrival of the military council’s column at the border of Yinmarbin and Kani Townships, more than 15,000 local residents from the villages on the banks of the Chindwin River: 10 villages in Yinmarbin Township, and 7 villages in Kani Township are being displaced.

Local residents of Kani Township are forewarned and advised to always be on alert to ensure their safety, as there is always a risk of an invasion by the columns of the military council.


📌📌 6. Demonstrations against the military dictatorship will be held in front of the junta-run Myanmar Embassy in Seoul on August 20

The Myanmar Federal Democracy Mission Coalition (MFDMC) announced in August that demonstrations against the military dictatorship will be held on August 20 in front of the Myanmar Embassy in Seoul, which is under the military junta.

“There is a need to always show that our voices have never been silenced and our flag has never been unfurled for our comrades who have been unjustly imprisoned in Myanmar and the people who have been displaced by conflicts. So the Myanmar Federal Democracy Mission Coalition (MFDMC-Foreign Support Force), the Myanmar revolutionaries, and Korean people who support Myanmar democracy will join together to demonstrate on the coming August 20 (Sunday),” the MFDMC said.




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