(In English) 14th Sep 2023 - Morning Daily News by Radio NUG

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📌 Spring Revolution Local News – Sep 14, 2023(Morning) 

📌📌 1. The National Unity Government held a meeting to discuss holding public strike movements regarding the UN Credential with People’s Administrative Bodies, People’s Defense Organizations, People’s Security Forces, and strike forces

It is reported that the National Unity Government held a meeting to discuss holding public strike movements regarding the UN Credential with People’s Administrative Bodies, People’s Defense Organizations, People’s Security Forces, and strike forces on September 13.

At the meeting, Union Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “It is very important for the ambassador to continue to be a representative with the support of the public. The people’s voice is important in world politics. The people are the original owners of independent sovereign power. The people’s voice cannot be prevented from being freely expressed. The public’s support is important, and it should move forward in a balanced manner. The best defense is the best offensive.”

Union Minister of Women, Youth, and Children’s Affairs Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe, public strike leader Dr. Tayzar San, and 88 generation student leader Ko Min Ko Naing attended the meeting.

Then, Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, permanent representative of Myanmar to the United Nations, said, “It is important to make the people’s efforts, actions, and wishes heard internationally, which is the main in the revolution, and we are focusing on these 2 points. We are grateful for the protest movements from the people on the ground, and the people’s voice and support are very important. The people are carrying out protests on the ground at the risk of their lives. The more a process can be justified, the more organized the action of the revolution will be.” 


📌📌 2. In September 2023, the NUG was able to build 108 temporary tents for people displaced by the war whose houses were burned down by the terrorist military council in Sagaing Division

The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management (MOHADM) of the National Unity Government announced on September 13 that they were able to build 108 temporary tents for displaced people fleeing the war whose houses were burned by the terrorist military council in Sagaing Division in September 2023.

The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management of the National Unity Government has been providing humanitarian aid such as emergency food and shelter to the war-affected people in conflict areas during the revolution through people-to-people donations and is providing support to temporary tents according to security.

It is said that in September 2023, 108 temporary tents were built in safe places for people fleeing the war whose houses were burned by the terrorist military council in Sagaing Division with the funding of comrades from Korea.

It is announced that the NUG MOHADM is grateful to those in charge of the ministry for implementing it so that the donations are being processed effectively.


📌📌 3. Union Minister U Nai Suwunna and Deputy Minister U Khu Hte Bu attended the meeting between the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions

On September 13, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions (31/2023) was held.

At the meeting, Union Minister for Labour U Nai Tun Pe @ U Nai Suwunna and Deputy Minister U Khu Hte Bu, members of ILACC, gave opening speeches.

Following, officials from ministries explained the activities of relevant ministries, and then members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, activities, and challenges encountered on the ground.

The meeting was attended by Union Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions.


📌📌 4. You can now check before transferring money with NUG Pay

On September 13, NUG Pay informed that it is now possible to check before transferring money.

With the new UI of NUG Pay, the person to be transferred money and the amount of money are said to have been shown before entering the PIN.

NUG Pay, which was launched on July 1, 2022, has completed one year, and within one year, there were over 28,00 total users, 15.2 billion DMMK circulating in the market, and the total value of transactions using DMMK reached 312 billion.


📌📌 5. The military council spent 98 percent of Myanmar military spending on aircraft imports, with air defense spending totaling 389 million dollars

Myanmar Witness reported on an investigation of SIPRI using open-source tools into where the Myanmar military expenses were spent.

Since the military coup, according to SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) data, the value of most countries’ arms exports to Myanmar has dropped to zero, but China and Russia’s arms exports to Myanmar have increased significantly in 2022.

In 2022, 98% of spend on Arms import to Myanmar went on aircraft, and 97% of spend on aircraft went to China and Russia.

The military council used 394 million dollars in 2022 as the military import expenditure, of which 389 million was spent on aviation (aircraft and air defense systems).

In 2022, there were 820 airstrikes carried out by the military council, and 270 civilians were killed. In the first four months of 2023, the number of military airstrikes increased further, and the number of civilian casualties reached more than 290.


📌📌 6. The hunger strike of the political prisoners in Monywa prison has achieved result

On September 13, Monywa People’s Strike Committee informed the situation in Monywa prison that the hunger strike of the political prisoners in Monywa prison had achieved a result.

“The hunger strike of the political prisoners in Monywa prison won in the last situation. The prison authorities had to agree to the 4 demands of the political prisoners. This situation was restored because of the strong spirit of the political prisoners in the prison and their resistance to oppression,” it stated.

In Monywa Prison, 55 political prisoners, including Ko Wai Moe Naing, participated in hunger strike and demanded the prisoners’ demands such as the return of seized items, the reallowance of prison visit, and access to health care.

“We, the Monywa People’s Strike Committee, respectfully record and honor the revolutionary spirit of the political prisoners who did not give up,” it also stated.


📌📌 7. Alpha One Drone Force conducted 90 dropped bomb attacks on 13 enemy targets from February 12 to August 1, 2023

The military news was confirmed by the Alpha One Drone Force on September 13.

The Alpha One Drone Force is the drone team of Company 5 of the Pyay District Battalion-3602, and it is said to have conducted 90 dropped bomb attacks on 13 enemy targets from February 12 to August 1, 2023.

In the attack, the enemy side suffered many casualties, including one battalion commander, and the defense force was unharmed.

Currently, the drone force is conducting operations in cooperation with Battalion 5 of KNU/KNLA Brigade 2, Special Operations Force of Central Regional Command, and the Nay Pyi Taw PDF.

The public is also urged to participate in the 100 2.5 kg bombs campaign, which is needed for the current military operation of the Alpha One Drone team of Company 5 of Pyay District Battalion-3602.


📌📌 8. The joint alliance forces based in Mon State attacked the troops under the 19th Military Operations Command (MOC-19) again with heavy artilleries

On September 13, the Dawna Column informed the military news that the joint alliance forces based in Mon State attacked the troops under the 19th Military Operations Command (MOC-19) again with heavy artilleries.

“On September 12, the battalions under the MOC-19, such as LIB-583 and LIB-591, were cooperatively attacked by Dawna Column, Ye Guerrilla Force – YGF, Mon State Revolution Force (MSRF), Ye Defence Force – YDF, Mon State-based Revolutionary Organization (MSRO), ABSDF Battalion (1), the YAF and KNLA Battalion 27 and allied forces based in Ye,” it stated.

Dawna Artillery Platoon fired into the LIB-583 and LIB-591, and the battle lasted only 15 minutes from 2:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. LIB-583 and LIB-591 were fired at the same time with heavy artilleries, and it was reported that they hit directly into the battalion.

According to the initial reports of the casualties of LIB-591, it is currently known that 1 second lieutenant, 1 lance corporal, 1 private, and 1 female private were killed and 7 seriously injured. Casualties of LIB-583 are still under investigation.

After the Dawna Column fired heavy artilleries, LIB-583 and LIB-591 fired 3 81-mm, 5 60-mm and 79-mm artillery shells into the villages as they threatened “If the army is attacked, the villages will be fired”. When asking the people, it was reported that about 6 civilians were injured and there were damages due to the firing from the junta side.




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