(In English) 25th Sep 2023 - Evening Daily News by Radio NUG

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📌 Spring Revolution Local News – Sep 25, 2023 (Evening)

📌📌 1. Acting President and Over 200 Participants Attend Inclusive Humanitarian Conference Myanmar 2023

The Joint Coordination Committee on Humanitarian Assistance (JCC-HA), a subsidiary of the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC), in collaboration with the General Strike Coordination Body (GSCB) and affiliates, is convening the Inclusive Humanitarian Conference Myanmar 2023 via the Zoom platform from September 23rd to 26th, 2023.

Acting President Duwa Lashi La attended the first day of the conference and delivered opening speech.

“The conference today shows that our people in the ashes who are suffering are not the ones who are forgotten or overlooked. I hope that discussions during this conference will bring us practical and effective solutions to humanitarian crises and challenges. I once again urge both domestic and international humanitarian organisations and individuals to assist in addressing Myanmar’s humanitarian crisis,” the Acting President said.

Each of the conference’s four days will cover a different humanitarian concern, including those of political prisoners, internally displaced people, participants in non-violent public movements, and heroes who were hurt or killed in armed conflicts during the revolution.

On the conference’s opening day, 205 people attended, and the second day saw 202 participants.


📌📌 2. Dr. Tu Hkawng: The Need for Funding is a Reality for the Success of the Revolution

On September 25, Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng emphasised in a Facebook post, calling on people to join the Ministry of Defence’s People’s Revolution Supply Family (PRF), “The need for funding is a reality for the success of the revolution.”

The Ministry of Defence is currently recruiting new members for the People’s Revolution Supply Family (PRF) to serve as support troops. PRF members can assist the People’s Defence Force (PDF) by making monthly contributions, with a minimum of 30,000 MMK for individuals within the country, 300 THB for individuals residing in Thailand, and 20 USD for others.


📌📌 3. U Htin Linn Aung: Clever and Good People are Essential to Society

Union Minister U Htin Linn Aung, in a Facebook post, emphasised the importance of individuals being both good and clever within society.

“There are some people who are essential in a society. Without the presence of those good and clever people, society is faced with decline, destruction, and annihilation. ‘People’ need to be good and clever at the same time,” he stated.

At present, the terrorist military regime is enticing the nation’s skilled individuals, and in addition, they have turned a blind eye to young people in urban areas using drugs in bars and clubs.


📌📌 4. Military Shells Villages and Sets Homes on Fire in Kawkareik

According to the report of the Karen National Union (KNU) Organising and Information Department, which cited information and images provided by local residents, on September 22, 2023, at around 10:00 a.m., a combined column of 20 soldiers from the light infantry battalions 558 and 561 (LIB 558 and 561) and infantry battalion (IB 993) stationed in Poe Chi Mu in Kawkareik Township launched an offensive in Mae Ta Ler village, setting three houses on fire and burning cars and motorcycles inside the houses. The battalions are reportedly operating under the 13th military operations command (MOC 13) of the military council and are headed by Captain Ye Thway, Captain San Maung Maung, and Captain Myo Min Aung, respectively. At the same time, the military fired heavy weapons at Mae Ta Ler village, damaging a car inside the village.

According to the statement, the troops of the military council who set fire to three homes also issued a threat to the residents, stating that all the villagers must remain in their homes. They warned that if anyone left their homes and attempted to flee, more of their houses would be set on fire.

The KNU stated that the KNLA and its allies have been conducting demining operations in the village to ensure the safe return of the residents and have successfully removed 12 mines at the time.


📌📌 5. Rocket Targets Myitkyina Air Force Base, Destroying Two F-7 Fighter Jets

On September 24 at 7:40 a.m., the Northern Brothers People’s Defence Force (NBPDF), a revolutionary force based in Kachin State, attacked a junta air force base in Myitkyina using two 107-mm and two 90-mm improvised rocket-propelled grenades.

According to the NBPDF, two F-7 fighter jets were destroyed, a communication tower was knocked out, an aircraft workshop was damaged, and officers’ lodging was affected in the attack.

In 2023, the air force bases and military headquarters of the junta were often attacked by the revolutionary forces.


📌📌 6. Multi-village Strike in Yinmabin-Salingyi Persists to Support Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun

On the morning of September 25, the multi-village strike in Yinmabin-Salingyi conducted its 917th day of march protest.

The strike strongly urges the United Nations and every nation around the world to exclusively acknowledge the National Unity Government (NUG) as the legitimate government and to recognise Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, who aligns with the will of the people and operates under the NUG’s leadership, as the official representative of Myanmar to the United Nations.

Furthermore, they also called upon the entire public to provide support and solidarity to Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun.


📌📌 7. Death toll in Spring Revolution reaches 4,089, including pro-democracy activists

On September 25, the “The Way” team announced that the screening of “The Way” musical film in Maryland, United States of America, had a full house, and auction items were successfully sold.

A “The Way” tote bag featuring the artists’ signatures was auctioned for $700, a “The Way” T-shirt with the artists’ signatures fetched $1,850, and the costumes worn by Treza in the film, as well as the shoes designed by her, were auctioned for $700. The final auction items, which included a postcard written by Ko Lin and a special USB flash drive containing signs by Ko Lin and Treza, along with songs composed by them, were successfully auctioned for $2,000 (equivalent to over 70 lakh MMK).




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