(In English) 6th Sep 2023 - Morning Daily News by Radio NUG

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📌 Spring Revolution Local News – Sep 06, 2023(Morning) 

📌📌 1. The Acting President reminded not to forget that the systematic construction of practical administrative mechanisms with practical military results during the Spring Revolution is the most important responsibility

Acting President Duwa Lashi La reminded not to forget that the systematic construction of practical administrative mechanisms with practical military results during the Spring Revolution is the most important responsibility.

The Acting President said that at the 30/2023 cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government held on September 5.

“We mustn’t forget that the systematic construction of practical administrative mechanisms with practical military results during the Spring Revolution is the most important responsibility. In addition, as a revolutionary government leading the country and the people, we must practice the behavior and ideas worthy of a government,” the Acting President said.

In addition, the Acting President added that the vision of the revolutionary leaders can determine the fate of the country and the people, so they should strive to expand their ideological vision as much as possible.


📌📌 2. The Union Prime Minister said that progress is seen in all aspects of the Spring Revolution

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said this at the 30th cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government on September 5.

“When we look at the current situation after over 2 years of revolution, we can see a lot of things that we as revolutionary forces can do successfully, and every day we see progress in all aspects,” the Union Minister said.

In addition, the Union Prime Minister said that in order to achieve the victory of the revolution quickly, more cooperation needs to be strengthened, international officials need to be able to clearly see the path of the revolution, and information distribution needs to be strengthened so that the local people know clearly.


📌📌 3. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said that the participation of each individual is the key to the success of the Spring Revolution

Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said that the participation of each individual is the key to the success of the Spring Revolution.

In September, Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said that in the people-to-people program.

“In order to succeed in the revolution, the participation of each individual is important. The value of each individual is important. We value everything that is happening on the ground and what is happening in the media. All the participants are also valuable. They are truly invaluable for our future Myanmar and for today’s revolution. The people are those who are important and invaluable in today’s revolution,” said the Union Minister.

After the military seized power on February 1, 2021, the Spring Revolution emerged along with the public movement against the military dictatorship.


📌📌 4. In August 2023, 128 civilians were killed by the terrorist military council, with the highest number in Sagaing Region and Bago Region 

The Ministry of Justice of the National Unity Government announced on September 5 that there were 128 civilians killed by the terrorist military council in August 2023, with the highest number in Sagaing Region and Bago Region.

Of the 128 civilians killed by the terrorist military council forces in August 2023, 61 were killed in Sagaing Region and 27 in Bago Region.

A total of 514 people were arrested unjustly, and most civilians were arrested in Kachin State, Sagaing Region, Mandalay Region and Tanintharyi Region.

The Rule of Law and Transitional Justice Department of the Ministry of Justice is keeping a record of war crimes, human rights violations, ethnic cleansing, burning down of public housing, and illegal confiscation of public property committed by the military authorities, in addition to all kinds of illegal torture, abuse and violations committed by non-military personnel during the military coup.


📌📌 5. The Ministry of Communication, Information and Technology presented the status of the Internet access project at the cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government 

The Ministry of Communication, Information and Technology (MOCIT) presented the status of the Internet access project at the cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government held on September 5.

At the meeting, the Union Minister for the Ministry of Communication, Information and Technology, U Htin Lin Aung, presented and discussed the status of the Internet access project.

Acting President Duwa Lashi La, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, Union Ministers, and Deputy Ministers attended the cabinet meeting.


📌📌 6. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies of Yangon Division

On September 5, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Yangon Division (17/2023) was held.

At the meeting, the Secretary of the Prime Minister Office, a secretary member of the ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, the activities discussed in the previous meeting (16/2023) were explained, and then members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, activities, and challenges encountered on the ground. The closing speech was provided by Deputy Minister U Khun Saw Phu, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC).

The meeting was attended by Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Yangon Division.


📌📌 7. A junta soldier who surrendered during the camp capture battle in Kyaukgyi Village, Shwegu Township, was granted freedom and sent to his desired destination 

On September 5, the MYOHLA K-PDF officially informed that a junta soldier who surrendered during the camp capture battle in Kyaukgyi Village, Shwegu Township, was granted freedom and transported to his desired destination.

“In the camp capture battle between the junta IB-77 under the 88th Division stationed in Kyaukgyi Village, Shwegu Township and the MYOHLA K-PDF Battalion on the 1st, a junta soldier surrendered during the battle,” it stated.

It is said that by putting public peace first, the MYOHLA K-PDF Battalion sent the junta soldier at the rank of lance corporal to his desired destination with granted freedom.

It is announced that the remaining junta soldiers who are able to distinguish between good and evil and are willing to take refuge in the embrace of the people due to various difficulties will be warmly welcomed by the MYOHLA K-PDF battalion.


📌📌 8. The terrorist military council forces, which have been invading for more than one month in Yinmarbin Township, were attacked twice with 60-mm bombs using DY (850) attack drones from the air

On September 5, ULF (Union Liberation Front) confirmed that the terrorist military council forces, which have been invading Yinmarbin Township for more than one month, were attacked twice with 60-mm bombs using DY (850) attack drones from the air.

“On September 4, at around 8:00 a.m., when we learned that the terrorist military council troops stationed at the Sithu Wood Field were in the monastery compound in Kyaukkone Village of Yinmarbin Township to steal public property, we were able to attack them twice with DY (850) attack drones using 60mm bombs,” it stated.

It is said that they were able to accurately drop the location of the terrorist junta troops both times. The junta soldiers may have been affected, but the deaths have not been separately confirmed.

The operation was carried out in a joint mission with the Bo Mote Sate Team, Byatta Nyi Naung PDF, and Dragon Brothers Task Force (DBTF) of the ULF (Union Liberation Front), as well as regional alliance forces such as the NWPDF, Yinmarbin District Drone Army, MTOF, A Mi Myay PDF (Battalion 27), and PDA (Battalion 35).


📌📌 9. LIB-439 and IB-60 Battalions of the terrorist military council fired about 63 heavy artillery shells and the military council air force conducted airstrikes in Mone Township

On September 5, the Karen National Union – KNU (Headquarters) confirmed that a total of 63 heavy artillery shells were fired by the military council’s LIB-439 and IB-60 in Mone Township, and airstrikes were also carried out.

On September 3, 2023, at about 10:00 a.m., a battle broke out between the forces of the Karen National Liberation Army (K.N.L.A) Brigade-3 and the terrorist military council troops in Moo (Mone) Township in the KNU Administrative Area for more than 2 hours. The LIB-439 and IB-60 Battalions of the terrorist military council fired about 63 heavy artillery shells, with 30 falling near Pagoda in Haw Hko Waw (Nga Htway Sote) Village and 32 falling into Wai Kaw Village.

After that, the air force of the coup terrorist military council opened fire 23 times into Haw Hko Waw (Nga Htway Sote) Village with 4 jet fighters, killing 1 innocent civilian and injuring 6 others. It is said that 3 public houses were also destroyed, and people from 5 villages also had to flee for their lives.

During that air attack, (1) Saw Al Kaw Htoo (45 years old) (hit on the leg), (2) Saw Nyi Naing (44 years old), (3) Naw Ma Noe (16 years old), (4) Naw Ma Noria (18 years old) (hit on the arm), (5) Saw War Si (hit on the head), and (6) Saw Joe (48 years old) were injured and Saw Lah Ku Wah (12 years old) died.

In addition, 3 public houses in Haw Hko Waw (Nga Htway Sote) Village were hit, and the items inside the houses were damaged. According to the collected statistics, the total number of 2802 people from (1) Myatye Kayin Village, (2) Haw Hko Waw (Nga Htway Sote) Village, (3) Sae Pale Village, (4) Maitthalin Village, and (5) Bamar Myatye Village are fleeing for safety, and it is said that there are still villages that have not yet collected data.




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