Weekly News in English (24/03/2024)

The Acting President of the National Unity Government, H.E. Duwa Lashi La, informs the public that the National Unity Government and all ethnic alliance organizations are attempting to end the military dictatorship, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's residence auction fails due to a lack of buyers and the Republic of the Union of Myanmar welcomes the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar.


1. The Acting President of the National Unity Government, H.E. Duwa Lashi La, informed the public at the Government Cabinet Meeting held on March that the National Unity Government and all ethnic alliance organizations are attempting to end the military dictatorship through armed revolution and public participation. He also warned that we cannot rely just on armed resistance. Furthermore, the terrorist military junta has begun to take measures to combine the military and political aspects of the Conscription Law. As a result, counter-revolutionary measures comprising both political and military action are required.  


2. State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's residence No. 54 was put up for auction on March 20th, however, the auction was unsuccessful because no one bid. The auction management court officer and the court clerk asked three times if there was anyone who places a bid for No. 54 residence, but no one did, so the auction was unsuccessful. Since there were no bidders at this auction, the relevant court will have to announce the date of the next auction. Today, since there is no buyer for the auction, U Aung San Oo, who is the winner, has the right to proceed in accordance with the prevail degree, and the court may proceed to hold another auction. Public leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi lived in the historic No. 54 residence on University Avenue Road in Yangon, which the Kamaryut District Court decided to put up for auction for US$90 million. General Aung San's wife, Daw Khin Kyi, is the owner of the 1.923-acre residence, where she lived until her death and her daughter, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, spent over 15 years living under house arrest during the previous military regime. On September 2nd, 2022, the National Unity Government -NUG, under the signature of Acting President Duwa Lashi La, designated the residence to be a national cultural heritage. Since the home has been designated as a national cultural heritage, it is strictly prohibited for anyone who owns it to attempt to own, sell, or attempt to sell it, demolish it, change its shape, or restore it.  If anyone violates, the National Unity Government-NUG has warned that they will face prosecution under the Protection and Preservation of Cultural Heritage Regions Law 2019, the Transfer of Immovable Property Restriction Act of 1987, the Anti-Terrorism Act, and blacklisted individuals and organizations.


3. According to a statement released by the Ministry of Human Rights on March 20, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar welcomes the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, Mr. Tom Andrews, as well as the Special Rapporteur’s corresponding report to the UN Human Rights Council.  Myanmar, as represented by the National Unity Government, remains deeply grateful to the Special Rapporteur and extends its full support to his mandate. Moreover, the Special Rapporteur’s presentation to the UN Human Rights Council was loud and clear: the tide is turning in Myanmar because of the courage and tenacity of its people. For redoubled efforts to end impunity and to secure accountability, including by Member States to the International Criminal Court referring the situation in Myanmar to the Prosecutor of the Court under Article-14 of the Rome Statue and requesting that he open an investigation. Myanmar repeats it’s thanks to the Special Rapporteur for his tireless commitment to his mandate and to the people of Myanmar. 


4. The Union Minister for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, Dr Tu Hkawng posted on social media on March 19th about Kachin Priest and social influencer Nammye Hkun Jaw Li, who were shot and killed by an unknown group of people.  He added that it's not a co-incidence but a systematic plan. Famous Kachin priests should be arrested, according to People Media lobbyist Kyaw Soe Oo for the terrorist military junta, during the intense battle in September 2022 between KIA+PDF and SNA+ the terrorist military junta's forces in Kachin and Sagaing. Hkun Jaw Li is a person who constantly encourages people's liberation through his Facebook account. The Union Minister also mentioned that the hopes of the Myanmar people, including the Kachin, will be realized very soon, and that the terrorist military junta's forces have been killed in large numbers near Laiza, which will provide more impetus to the Kachin people. 


5. The Union Minister for the Ministry of Human Rights of the National Unity Government, U Aung Myo Min stated in an interview in March, that he called for effective and decisive action to be taken at the Human Rights Conference about the Myanmar issue. At the 55th Human Rights Conference, there is a topic that will be decided regarding the Myanmar-related concerns. The EU will mainly implement this. Among them, it will call for strong and effective measures, including stronger words and the supporting of the international community, to highlight the current human rights challenges. At the same time, he would like to clearly state the cases of crimes against humanity and war crimes. The Union Minister held a briefing to international diplomats and Embassy official at the United Nations Building -Palais de Nations on March 8 regarding Myanmar's human rights situations and international demands.




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