Weekly News in English (31/03/2024)

Weekly News in English (31/03/2024)

The Union Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, Man Win Khaing Thann attends No. 12/ 2024 Cabinet Meeting of the National Unity Government, the leader of the Myanmar Parliamentary Delegation, Dr. Win Myat Aye attends the 148th International Parliamentary Conference in Geneva, Switzerland and the terrorist military junta forces launch heavy weapons, burn down over 300 houses, and force more than 6,000 residents to flee their homes in Dhamathat Village, Kyaikmaraw Township, Mon State.


1. The Union Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, Man Win Khaing Thann attended the No. 12/ 2024 Cabinet Meeting of the National Unity Government. The Union Prime Minister  stated during the meeting that in the 6 months since last October, we have witnessed the terrorist military junta's armed forces have gradually disintegrated, their strength has weakened, there has been an increase in never-before-seen surrenders and desertions, and they are even addressing the issues of forced recruitment. People are quite concerned about forced conscription, and the economy has been affected. He also brought up the issue of the labor shortage in the industrial zones of Yangon. The relevant revolutionary forces are attempting to respond to this forced recruiting in various ways, the Union Prime Minister stated. Furthermore, the Union Prime Minister urged the people to continue to work together as a unified front, as there is no other way to overcome this evil terrorist military junta.


2. The Leader of the Myanmar Parliamentary Delegation, Dr. Win Myat Aye attended the 148th International Parliamentary Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, on March 26th. Dr. Win Myat Aye delivered a speech at the Conference's General Debate event, titled "Parliamentary Diplomacy: Building Bridges for Peace and Understanding". In this speech, he stated that like many people from conflict affected countries, the people of Myanmar ask for your help to reduce the pain being perpetrated upon them by the brutal military junta. Their needs are very simple. These are to support their efforts in ending the illegal military rule in Myanmar and in building a peaceful society which respects international human rights and law. Since the military coup in 2021, 2.7 million people have been forced to flee from their homes to escape the military junta’s onslaught of air and artillery strikes, executions and killings, rapes, torture, arbitrary detentions, enforced disappearances and persecution. At present, nearly 19 million people are now in need of humanitarian assistance, which includes 6 million children. The recent military junta announcement to uplift the conscription law despite no external threat has served to accelerated displacement, house to house intimidation, corruption and fear with the number fleeing growing exponentially. The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, and its representatives are leading and collaborating with our people to end the military junta’s illegal rule, to end the violence, to restore peace and parliamentary democracy their atrocities as we protect our people and our rights. At the same time, they are working hand-in-hand with the country’s stakeholders to find a solution to the current political situation. On March 24th and 25th, the Myanmar Parliamentary Delegation held separate meetings with delegates from Timor-Leste, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Germany. They reviewed Myanmar's changing situation, including increased airstrikes by the terrorist military junta's forces and other acts of brutality, as well as cooperation on the Myanmar democracy struggle. 


3. Deputy Minister for the Ministry of Human Rights of the National Unity Government, U Aung Kyaw Moe remarked on social media in March that Myanmar's political forces and people's attitudes about the "Rohingya" will not change.  In the current situation, not only the Rohingya but also all the civilians throughout the country are being oppressed. He also stated that when we experience the suffering, we become sympathetic. We understand. So, in such a situation, please understand that some people have a big-hearted and have not sympathized with us in the past. Welcome and comfort them. According to the Deputy Minister, Myanmar's political forces and people have no plan of changing their attitudes about the Rohingya. There is no reason for this to become an unethical situation. The Deputy Minister added that the terrorist military junta is arming the Rohingyas and enabling them to defend themselves, and to reduce the crimes they have committed in the past. 


4. According to the Mon State Federal Council-MSFC, Myanmar's army, navy, and air force, under the control of a terrorist military junta, launched heavy weaponry and burned down over 300 houses, forcing over 6000 civilians to flee Dhamathat Village, Kyaikmaraw Township in Mon State. On March 27th, the terrorist military junta used heavy weaponry to burn down the village of Dhammatha, which is home to the majority of the Mon people and has no armed forces.  According to MSFC, the terrorist military junta's forces did not dare to fight the Mon and Karen armed forces, as well as People's Revolution organizations, therefore they intentionally targeted the local people. Furthermore, the terrorist military junta’s forces also prohibited the arrival of fire engines to assist with the fire, and MSFC strongly condemned this inhumane act. As war crimes and crimes against humanity were committed, the terrorist Military Junta took similar action in many parts of Chin State, the Sagaing Region, Karenni State, and Karen State. They've also committed in Mon State.  To put an end to these inhumane acts of terrorism as soon as possible, MSFC urges for the end of the terrorist military junta and encourages the entire people to push and fight against it in a various way. The Mon State Federal Council-MSFC also requested Mon people in Mon State, Mon ethnic groups residing abroad, the general public, and international organizations to send humanitarian aid to Mon State residents who are homeless and suffering as a result of the terrorist military's extremist acts. 


5. The two parliaments intensively discussed 121 million US dollars for Myanmar. US President Joe Biden has signed and approved. Although the Senate requested 121 million, the House of Representatives only allocated 50 million, but the 121 million for Myanmar was approved thanks to the negotiations. On Saturday, March 23rd, both houses of Congress passed the US government budget, which the president immediately signed it into law.  Among the $121 million, the US Department of State, under the Burma Act, International development aid agencies and humanitarian aid, People affected by war conflicts, ethnic armed organizations in Myanmar; People's Defense PDF forces and pro-democracy groups will all receive technical and non-weapons assistance. Additionally, it has been stated that the US government will allow financial funds to be used for aid from 2023 to 2027.




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