(In English) 4th Apl 2023 - Morning Daily News by Radio NUG

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📌 Spring Revolution Local News – April 04, 2023(Morning) 

📌📌 1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La gave a message not to be persuaded by the lies, deceit and dividing tricks of the terrorist junta

Acting President Duwa Lashi La gave a message not to be persuaded by the lies, deceit and dividing tricks of the terrorist junta.

On April 3, Acting President of the National Unity Government, Duwa Lashi La, delivered a message to the people:

“We must take great care not to be persuaded by the lies, deceit and division among our revolutionary forces and the people, which is a common tactic used by terrorist junta. Only unity is the strength for the success of the revolution.”

At present, the terrorist junta is carrying out raids on towns and villages and committing looting, destruction, and killings by imitating the PDF by wearing uniforms.


📌📌 2. Efforts are being made to bring an end to the terrorist military council as soon as possible

Union Prime Minister Mann Winn Khaing Thann said at the meeting of the CDM Success Committee held in April that efforts are being made to bring an end to the terrorist military council as soon as possible.

“Recently, it is heard that the terrorist junta is instructing to monitor strangers in some areas. Therefore, I want to warn our revolutionary forces to pay special attention to your security on all sides. As for the government, we are working together with all the revolutionary forces to bring an end to this terrorist military council as soon as possible,” he said.

Currently, we are escalating the military momentum, and in the Karenni region, Karen State and Chin State, the junta troops are suffering the most casualties.


📌📌 3. A meeting held between the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration and township people’s administrative bodies 

On April 3, the meeting (7/2023) between the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration of the National Unity Government and the people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing, Magway, Bago, Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Mandalay Divisions was held. 

At the meeting, the Associate Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration gave an opening speech.

Following, the Department of Public Administration of Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration explained the operations and then, members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, administrative operations on the ground and challenges encountered on the ground.

The meeting was attended by Permanent Secretaries, Associate Permanent Secretaries, relevant officials from the Department of Public Administration, the People’s Police Force, the Fire Department, the Department of Immigration, and the Department of Special Investigation, as well as members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing, Magway, Bago, Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady, and Mandalay Divisions.


📌📌 4. The parties that stand with the people’s support will not disappear just by announcing that the party has been dissolved

Deputy Minister U Kyaw Ni, Ministry of Labour, analyzed in April, regarding political parties that the parties that stand with the support of the people will not disappear just by announcing that the party has been dissolved.

“In politics, parties that stand with the support of the people will not disappear just by announcing by the others that the party is being dissolved. The parties will continue to survive as long as there are people who support them. Parties that are relying only on paper recognition without public support will only try to get that paper of approval. It is becoming more clear and distinct between the parties that sacrifice for the people and the parties that support the enemy,” he said.

The Union Election Commission of the military council dissolved 40 political parties including the National League for Democracy.


📌📌 5. 3 people soldiers from Pakokku Division-101 and 4 people police from Magway Division Police Force entered the legal fold at the Myaing People’s Defense Force with their weapons and they were rewarded with more than 70 million Myanmar kyats

On April 3, Myaing People’s Defense Force informed that 3 people soldiers from Pakokku Division-101 and 4 people police from Magway Division Police Force entered the legal fold together with their weapons and were awarded more than 70 million Myanmar kyats.

“At 9:40 a.m. today, April 3, 3 people soldiers from Pakokku Division-101 and 4 people police from Magway Division Police Force, who already have links with the Myaing People’s Defense Force enter the legal fold together with 3 MA-3 guns, 2 G4 guns, 2 G3 guns and 411 bullets,” it stated.

Those who entered the legal fold were given a reward of 10.6 million kyats each, for a total of 74.2 million kyats by Myaing PDF leader Bo Letyar.


📌📌 6. A bomb dropped by a drone hit directly over the junta’s monster column that is committing arson

On April 2, the Black Eagle Defense Force-MMU stated that a bombing by drone was carried out on the junta monster column that raided the Taung Philar Village in Chaung U Township, Sagaing Division.

“On April 2, the junta monster column under Division-99 that raided the Taung Philar Village in Chaung U Township, Sagaing Division, was attacked by dropping a bomb with drone by the People’s Defense Force alliances at 1:30 p.m. while they were setting the village on fire,” it stated.

It is said that in the attack, the bomb fell directly into the junta column and may have caused many casualties.

That drone operation was jointly conducted by Black Eagle Drone Squadron of the Black Eagle Defence Force-MMU, T.G.R Women Drone Force-Myaung, Chaung U People’s Defence Force-CHU PDF, Myaung Special People’s Defense Force-MSPDF and the Lightning Brown Kite Guerrilla Force (Myinmu).


📌📌 7. Innlelgyi Village in Htankone Station of Kanbalu District was burned down for the second time by military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee

On April 3, Kyunhla Kanbalu Activists Group – Kanbalu District informed that Innlelgyi Village in Htankone Station of Kanbalu District was burned down for the second time by the military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee.

“On April 3, at 4:10 p.m., according to reports on the ground, more than 100 military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee burned down the village of Innlelgyi in Htankone Station in Kanbalu District, Sagaing Division for the second time,” it stated.

It is reported that the military council column, after violently burning down the village of Nyanin on April 2, stormed into the village of Innlelgyi with heavy and small weapons at around 5:00 p.m. and then camped overnight.

On April 4, at 4:10 p.m., the junta troops violently burned down the Innlelgyi Village after looting the public assets in the village.


📌📌 8. Mandalay District No. (5) Battalion MN PDF was able to seize two MA3 rifles

It is reported that Mandalay District No. (5) Battalion MN PDF was able to seize two MA3 rifles.

Mandalay District No. (5) Battalion MN PDF informed that weapons were seized on April 3.

“Our Mandalay District No. (5) Battalion MN PDF was able to seize two MA3 rifles without firing a single bullet,” it stated.

It is reported that MNPDF Myitnge seized the two guns that the junta soldiers had hidden while running away.


📌📌 9. The public is urged to boycott the fake “Happy Thingyan” that will be fabricated by a terrorist junta

On April 3, the General Strike Coordination Body (GSCB) urged the public to boycott the fake “Happy Thingyan” that will be fabricated by a terrorist junta.

“This year’s Thingyan, which has not yet ended the journey of the people’s revolution, will be a “revolutionary Thingyan” and not a “Happy Thingyan. We would like to strongly urge people not to join and boycott the fake “Happy Thingyan” and Thingyan-related picnics and events that will be fabricated by the terrorist military junta,” it stated.

He said that the terrorist coup junta is trying to use Thingyan to make political exploitation, and it is also an event that will make the revolution fade and make the country look like it is normal in all aspects.




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