(In English) 4th Aug 2023 - Evening Daily News by Radio NUG

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📌 Spring Revolution Local News – Aug 04, 2023 (Evening)

📌📌 1. The Acting President sends the One Day Challenge an appreciation letter for their 19th US$100,000 monthly support

According to the announcement of the Anti-Coup Committee (Korea), its One Day Challenge campaign sent its 19th monthly support of US$100,000 to the National Unity Government and received an appreciation letter from Acting President Duwa Lashi La.

Since the campaign’s founding in August 2021, it has provided the National Unity Government with a monthly financial support of US$100,000, and as of this August, it had done so for the 19th time, contributing a total of $1.9 million.

The Anti-Coup Committee (Korea) declared that it had also provided 13,500 rounds of ammunition worth 3,000 dollars (59.4 million Kyat) to the Special Force, which is the frontline fortress of the revolutionary battle; 1 million Baht for the Ukritha Camp Capture Battle; and 324 million Kyat to 189 groups of PDFs, LPDFs, and UGs, as part of the support funds provided by the National Unity Government from funds raised through its One Day Challenge program.


📌📌 2. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun urges UNSC member states to initiate negotiations for effective resolution on Myanmar

Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the United Nations, at the UN Security Council High-Level Open Debate on Famine and Conflict-Induced Global Food Insecurity held on August 3, urged the UNSC member states to initiate a negotiation process to adopt an effective resolution on Myanmar.

He said, “I urge the Security Council to follow up with enforcement actions to its repeated demands for ending violence and unhindered humanitarian access in Myanmar,” and “It is a high time for the members of the UNSC to start now a negotiation process to adopt timely an enforceable resolution on Myanmar.”

The Ambassador also stated that currently in Myanmar, 15.2 million people are suffering from food insecurity, and there are nearly 1.9 million internally displaced people. Children in Myanmar are particularly affected by malnutrition, and according to the WFP, one in three children under the age of 5 suffers from stunting growth, and seven percent of children are malnourished.


📌📌 3. NUG’s Czech Representative U Linn Thant urges public support for defence forces

On August 4, U Linn Thant, Representative of NUG to the Czech Republic, via Facebook, urged the public to support the people’s defence forces, who are sacrificing their lives for the country and its citizens.

He said, “In this time of crisis, while some people are sleeping peacefully, our comrades in the forests and our UG comrades, who offer their lives in the present to ensure the peace and security of the whole country in the future, are defying sleep. It’s our duty to contribute to their work as much as we can to show empathy for them and to show our appreciation and respect for the sacrifice they are making for the sake of the entire people of Myanmar. The contributions of support comrades from home and abroad are gaining momentum, as evidenced by this revolutionary journey. I hope that these words will serve as an inspiration to the rest of the Myanmar people, both at home and abroad, and I would like to use them to urge them to support our revolutionary comrades.”

Every revolutionary force currently needs financial supporters who, by providing them with regular support, can become permanent support members.


📌📌 4. NUG Ministry of Justice resolves 29 civil suits and 173 criminal cases with 53% success rate

The Ministry of Justice issued a notification on August 4 that, as of June 2023, the courts of the National Unity Government had heard 74 civil suits and 306 criminal cases; of those, 29 civil suits and 173 criminal cases were concluded successfully, with a 53% success rate.

Moreover, the ministry stated, “The Ministry of Justice, in collaboration with other ministries of the National Unity Government, is appointing qualified individuals for the justice sector and offering necessary trainings at the same time that the people are fighting to free their villages, towns, and social environments from the rule of the terrorist military council.”


📌📌 5. CTUM claims international trade unions reject yellow military junta unions for their lack of democratic choice, violation of freedom of association, and violation of international standards

The Confederation of Trade Union Myanmar (CTUM) released a statement on August 4 showing its rejection of the junta’s announcement attempting to deceive the public and international community, including international trade unions, and condemning all organisations and individuals cooperating with the terrorist junta.

The junta’s deputy minister of labour, U Win Shein, met with the members of the CTUM and requested to replace the CTUM Central Executive Committee. The junta’s Ministry of Labour announced on July 31, 2023, that a total of 11 labour organisations, including the CTUM, are currently free to form unions.

The junta had issued, since its illegal coup on February 1, 2021, arbitrary arrest warrants against 29 CTUM Central Committee members, declared the passports of 27 of them void, and terminated the citizenship of the CTUM President. Moreover, the junta has also arbitrarily arrested, tortured, and imprisoned trade union leaders and a total of 153 members of the CTUM’s affiliates. On March 27, 2021, the terrorist junta shot and killed U Chan Myae Kyaw, a member of the Mining Workers’ Federation of Myanmar (MWFM), which is an affiliate of CTUM, while he was peacefully protesting against the military dictatorship. In March 2021, one month after the illegal coup, 16 labour organisations and labour federations were deemed to be illegal associations.

Therefore, the CTUM announced in its August 4 statement that the CTUM, the entire international community, and all international trade unions will not accept the yellow unions of the military junta for their lack of free and democratic choice, violation of freedom of association, and violation of basic principles. The military junta’s attempt, according to the statement, is just causing greater instability and repression for workers in Myanmar.

The CTUM worked so that the ILO could take action against the military junta’s violations of human rights, worker rights, and democratic rights, and a commission of inquiry (COI) was decided to be established at the 109th International Labour Conference (ILC) in order to carry out investigations. The ILO’s Governing Body meeting, scheduled for November 2023, will decide whether to approve the COI’s investigation report.

The CTUM asserted that the junta’s deceptive statements, such as “Complying with the rules and regulations of the Labour Organisation Law, at this time these federations are free to form in accordance with the law, and organisations are being conducted,” will not influence the international trade unions and its attempt to avoid action to be taken by the ILO will only end in failure.




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