(In English) 3rd Sep 2023 - Morning Daily News by Radio NUG

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📌 Spring Revolution Local News – Sep 03, 2023(Morning) 

📌📌 1. The Acting President said that the Spring Revolution is not just about overthrowing the military council, but also about demolishing the ideas and behaviors built by the fascist military dictators

On September 2, Acting President of the National Unity Government, Duwa Lashi La, said this at the Spring Revolution Multi-Religious Conference.

“The Spring Revolution is not just about the overthrow of the military council. It is a revolution that will demolish the ideas and behaviors built by the fascist military dictators. We must make our diversity a united force and build a true federal democratic state that guarantees freedom, justice, equality and freedom of religion,” said the acting president.

In addition, the Acting President added that we all must work together to become a civilized society that recognizes diversity and accepts equality without discrimination.


📌📌 2. Notify that the logo of the Ministry of Defence and the signatures of the Union Minister of Defense are not allowed to be used anywhere without permission

On September 2, the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government announced that the logo of the Ministry of Defence and the signatures of the Union Minister of Defence are not allowed to be used anywhere without permission.

The logo of the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government and the signatures of the Union Minister of Defence shall only be used in letters, messages and other approved activities related to the Ministry.

Therefore, in order to avoid unwanted confusion, the Ministry has announced that the above-mentioned logo and Union Minister’s signatures will not be used anywhere without the official (written) permission of the Ministry.

If you find unauthorized use, you can report it to the Complaints Committee (Email: cc@mod.nugmyanmar.org).


📌📌 3. Civil and military relations course for people’s administrative bodies, people’s defense forces, and people’s security forces was opened

The Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration cooperatively conducted a civil and military relations course for the people’s administrative bodies, people’s defense forces, and people’s security forces on September 2.

At the ceremony, after the opening speech by Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo, Union Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, the basic concepts of civil and military relations were explained. Later, the attending members from people’s administrative bodies, people’s defense forces, and people’s security forces asked and discussed what they wanted to know.

The course will be open from September 2 to 3 with a training period of 2 days.

The course was attended by the Union Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo, and the officials of the ministry, people’s administrative bodies, people’s defense forces, and people’s security forces from various regions.


📌📌 4. Deputy Minister U Maw Tun Aung said that in the matter of war, an individual or a single group cannot be good at waging war

On September 2, Deputy Minister U Maw Tun Aung said that in the matter of war, an individual or a single group cannot be good at waging war.

“The actual shooting time is about 20 percent. So what do we do the rest of the time? It has to train, provide support, gather information, make a strategy, mobilize the people, demoralize the enemy, and form alliances. So this is not a good team. The enemy has no morale. Although dumb, the enemy has the military and civil organizations ready to implement his order by consuming the country’s resources,” the Deputy Minister said.

Currently, there are more than three hundred People’s Defense Battalions, more than two hundred and fifty township PaKaFa, and hundreds of thousands of People’s Defence Forces nationwide.

“When it comes to fighting a war, the first thing is ideological leadership. Once this ideology is clear, the rest will follow. If the ideology of why we fight this war stands on the truth and looks forward to the common good, the rest of the needs will follow us like a magnet,” said Deputy Minister U Maw Tun Aung.


📌📌 5. The Committee Representing Magway Region Hluttaw (CRMH) held a meeting with the people’s strike committees in Magway Region, and discussed issues that can be worked together for the revolution and the region

On September 2, the Committee Representing Magway Region Hluttaw (CRMH) held a meeting with the people’s strike committees in Magway Region, such as the Myaing Township Basic Education General Strike Committee (BEGSC-MYAING), the Yesagyo Township People’s Strike Committee, the Yaw People’s Revolution Committee (YPRC), the Pakokku People’s Revolution Committee (PPRC), and the Magway People’s Revolution Committee (MPRC). At the meeting, they discussed the efforts made during the revolution, the current activities, and the issues that are planned to be continued in an open and friendly manner. In addition, they had a warm discussion about the scenes where we can work together for the revolution and the region.

It is reported that MPs from the Committee Representing Magway Region Hluttaw (CRMH) and officials from people’s strike committees in Magway Region attended the meeting.


📌📌 6. With the funds of the Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs, 30 female comrades from the Yinmarbin District Battalions were supported 50,000 kyats each

On September 2, Pale People’s Administrative Body (PaAFa) informed that 30 female comrades from the Yinmarbin District Battalions were supported with 50,000 kyats each with the funds of the Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs.

It is said that 30 female comrades from the Yinmarbin District Battalion 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, and 20 were supported with 50,000 kyats each with the funds of the Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs.

It is reported that the assistance was provided in cooperation with the official in charge of the Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs in Pale Township. 


📌📌 7. After receiving exact information that about 100 junta forces have been reinforced from water way to Ye Township Infantry Battalion IB-61, a military operation was carried out on military council camp sites

On September 2, Dawna Column confirmed the military news that after receiving exact information that about 100 junta forces had been reinforced from the waterway to Ye Township Infantry Battalion IB-61, they jointly carried out a military operation on military council camp sites.

On September 2, 2023, the Dawna Column conducted an operation on the military council camp sites in cooperation with the Ye Guerrilla Force (YGF), Mon State Revolutionary – MSRF, All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF) Battalion 1, and Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) Battalion 27. As soon as the exact information that the enemy forces of about 100 were reinforced via waterway to Ye Township Infantry Battalion IB-61 was received, the Dawna Column Assault Squad, the Dawna Column Artillery Platoon, and joint defense forces cooperatively attacked the enemies with heavy artillery.

The battle lasted for about an hour, and the injured were carried away by two ambulances from the enemy’s side. The investigation is still ongoing to confirm the exact list of enemy casualties.


📌📌 8. Thit Cha Seik Camp, a base camp of the coup terrorist military council army in Moo (Mone) Township was attacked and captured by the defence forces under the Karen National Liberation Army (K.N.L.A) Brigade-3

On September 2, KNU-headquarters confirmed the military news that the defense forces under the Karen National Liberation Army (K.N.L.A) Brigade-3 attacked and captured Thit Cha Seik Camp, a base camp of the coup terrorist military council army in Moo (Mone) Township.

The joint forces of the KNU Brigade Column containing Battalion 8 and 9 of the Karen National Liberation Army (K.N.L.A), Battalion 3 of the Karen National Defence Organisation (KNDO), and other defense forces under them cooperatively attacked Thit Cha Seik Camp, a base camp of the coup terrorist military council in Moo (Mone) Township, Kler Lwee Htu (Nyaunglebin) District, in Karen National Union’s Kawthoolei Administrative Area, at around 5:00 a.m. on August 31, 2023. The camp was captured at 5:30 p.m. on September 1, 2023.

The coup terrorist military council troops from IB-439, IB-60, LIB-350 and LIB-351 were deployed at the Thit Cha Seik Camp, and during the capture, 15 soldiers of the coup terrorist military council were killed. A total of 19 weapons including 2 commando launchers and 1 machine gun were seized.

During the capture of that camp, 2 comrades from the Karen National Liberation Army (K.L.N.A) and joint forces had to sacrifice their lives honorably for the country and the people.




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