(In English) 5th Sep 2023 - Morning Daily News by Radio NUG

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📌 Spring Revolution Local News – Sep 05, 2023(Morning) 

📌📌 1. Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye said that the people are suffering due to the atrocities of the military dictators, and everything must be done to end their misery

Union Minister of the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, Dr. Win Myat Aye, said this at the opening of the campaign for “Join Hands for Liberation” held on September 3.

“Right now, our people are suffering because of the brutality of the military dictators. We are all the same. We are refugees. We all need to get out of this trouble. We need to do everything to make sure that we don’t face this kind of trouble again this time. We have to struggle. We need strength to get out of this. This strength is only among our ethnic brothers and sisters,” said the Union Minister.

Due to the armed conflict and natural disasters occurring throughout the country, more people have been displaced in many states and regions, and due to intense fighting and military operations, nearly 50,000 people have fled their homes in Kachin State, Sagaing Region and Southeast Myanmar, according to UN OCHA Myanmar.


📌📌 2. Union Minister U Htin Lin Aung informed that the situation has reached to overthrow the military council with collective force

Union Minister of Communications, Information and Technology U Htin Lin Aung, said at the opening of the campaign “Join Hands for Liberation,” held on September 3 that the situation has reached to overthrow the military council with collective forces.

“The situation has come to bring down the military council with collective force. Just as our NUG government is trying, so are many groups working together with the NUG government. Likewise, there are groups that are not under the NUG government but are trying with their own conscience. I would like to say that if these groups do not divide each other, do their part, and fulfill their responsibilities in each sector, the military council will fall as soon as possible,” said the Union Minister.

On September 7, 2021, the National Unity Government declared the start of the People’s Defensive War and the current year 2023 as the final decisive year for the end of the revolution.


📌📌 3. Procedures to prevent financial flows to the military council were discussed in the Interim Central Bank meeting 

It is reported that the National Unity Government’s Interim Central Bank Meeting (2/2023) was held on September 4, and processes were discussed to prevent financial flows to the military council.

In the meeting, the attending members discussed the immediate and long-term processes to prevent financial flows to the military council in order to stop their atrocious acts against the people, and to take targeted action against the financial institutions and individuals who support the military council’s terrorist activities.

In addition, it is reported that discussions and decisions were made on the issue of preventing and blocking the financial resources of the terrorist military by effectively connecting with international governments and relevant financial authorities.

The meeting was attended by the members of the Central Bank’s board of directors and the head of the office.


📌📌 4. More than 30 junta soldiers, including officers, were killed in an attack on military council base camps in Thay Su Le Village and Pu Hpar Village in Demoso Township, Karenni State

On September 4, the KNDF (Karenni Nationalities Defense Force) confirmed the military news that more than 30 junta soldiers, including officers, were killed in an attack on military council base camps in Thay Su Le Village and Pu Hpar Village in Demoso Township, Karenni State.

Since 5:30 a.m. on September 2, the KNDF (Karenni Nationalities Defense Force) and the joint column of the Karenni Army (KA), Karenni National People’s Liberation Front (KNPLF), Demoso Local People’s Defense Force (DMO Local PDF), and Battalions of Central Regional Command – Karenni (Kayah) Region cooperatively attacked the military council base camps in Thay Su Le Village and Pu Hpar Village in Demoso Township, Karenni State, simultaneously.

The skirmishes lasted from 5:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. It is said that deputy battalion commander Ye Lin Naing from IB-9 under the 2nd Military Operations Command (MOC-2) ordered the officers and soldiers under him to resist until death, but he selfishly escaped himself. More than 30 junta soldiers, including officers, were killed in the battle.

During the raids on the bases, 15 small arms, 2 60mm launchers, 1 RPG-7, 1 machine gun, related ammunition, cartridges, communication devices and accessories were seized from the military council forces. Currently, there are ongoing skirmishes in Thay Su Le Village and Pu Hpar Village.


📌📌 5. CDF-Matupi opened fire on the junta gate of the IB-304 on the side of the Matupi-Paletwa road near Matupi Town, injuring 3 junta soldiers

It is said that on September 4 at around 8:30 in the morning, CDF-Matupi opened fire on the junta’s IB-304 camp gate on the Matupi-Paletwa road near Matupi Town.

“We opened fire on the junta’s IB-304 gate, injuring 3 people from the junta side, and our Chinland Defence Force-Matupi comrades were able to retreat unharmed,” it stated.

After the shooting attack, there were heavy weapons fired from the junta side, so people were advised to be careful when traveling.


📌📌 6. Due to the drone attack on the Myawaddy district office, the military council conducted aerial bombardment 3 times in the vicinity of Lat Khat Taung, where the Joint Revolutionary Forces had secured the area

Due to the drone attack on the Myawaddy district office, the military council reportedly conducted aerial bombardment 3 times in the vicinity of Lat Khat Taung, where the joint revolutionary forces have secured the area.

The Cobra Column confirmed that the terrorist military council carried out an air attack with jet fighters on September 4, at around 1:00 p.m.

“At 6:20 p.m. on September 3, our Revolutionary Joint Forces attacked the Myawaddy district office twice with drones. Therefore, the enemy fired back at least 30 times with 81mm and 120mm heavy artillery. On September 4, from around 1:00 p.m., the terrorist military council forces fired 3 times in the vicinity of Lat Khat Taung, where our Revolutionary Joint Forces had secured the area, using jet fighters,” it stated.

Although there was no damage from the defense side in the heavy weapons and aircraft fire, the religious buildings were reportedly damaged by the junta’s aircraft bombs.


📌📌 7. The Federal Wings drone force makes a special appeal to the civilians living in Myawaddy to move away from the military council’s offices and camps

The Federal Wings drone force has made a special appeal to the people living in Myawaddy to move away from the military council’s offices and military bases.

“It is true that drone attacks are accurate, but in order to avoid unwanted collateral damages, we specially request civilians living in Myawaddy to move away from the military council’s offices and military bases,” it stated.

In addition, military council employees, staff families, and families of military council members who are not carrying weapons are specially warned to leave their respective departments, offices, and staff housing.

On the evening of September 3, the Myawaddy General Administration Office and Police Station, where the military council forces were stationed, were bombed twice by the Karen National Liberation Army (K.N.L.A) and Federal Wings drone unit under the command of Cobra Column. During the attacks, (5) military council members were reportedly killed and (11) were injured.


📌📌 8. Four civilians who went shopping in Shwegyin Town were arrested by the terrorist military council troops and forced to pay them 1 million kyats

On September 4, the KNU Headquarters announced the sleazy act of the terrorist military council that they arrested four civilians who went shopping in Shwegyin Town and forced to ransom them with 1 million kyats.

Four civilians, (1) Ko Than Naing Oo, (2) A Nge Lay, (3) Ko Win Naing, and (4) Ko Aung Min Thet, who live in Innkani and Kyauktan Villages in the KNU- Hsaw Htee (Shwegyin) Township Administrative area, were arrested at the Shan Village Gate, where coup terrorist military council troops were stationed on September 2, 2023, while going shopping in Shwegyin Town. It is said that they were freed after paying the ransom money of one million kyat demanded by the military council troops and signing the commitment letters.

In addition, in the Kyaukkyi Township Administrative area, the coup military council’s Infantry Battalion IB-264 was stationed in Natthankwin and fired 120mm and 81mm artillery shells into the village of Tray Hsee Law (Naywepin) Village at 2:44 p.m. on September 2, 2023. A Sai @ Sai Thura Tun, 27-year-old, was seriously injured by hitting of heavy artillery and died at 3:00 p.m.

On September 4, at 10:44 a.m., the military council’s IB-264 fired 15 81mm artillery shells from Pein Za Loke into Nwar Yay Chaung Village, hitting and killing 45-year-old Saw Tun Naing.




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