(In English) 13th Sep 2023 - Morning Daily News by Radio NUG

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📌 Spring Revolution Local News – Sep 13, 2023(Morning) 

📌📌 1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La said that members of the National Unity Government need to understand the public’s political behavior

The Acting President Duwa Lashi La said this at the 31/2023 cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government held on September 12.

“Our government members need to understand the public’s political behavior. In addition, we need to understand the nature of political customs, revolutionary concepts, and nature that are commonly found in our society. The wave of revolution is not always rising. It is natural to swing, rise and fall, high and low. The nature of politics also tends to change over time,” the Acting President said.

In addition, the Acting President reiterated that special care must be taken to avoid making mistakes that harm the public due to the weakness of the leaders.


📌📌 2. Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann told to think about it from all sides so that a fake election does not happen

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said at the government meeting that we should think about it from all sides so that there is no such thing as a fake election.

“Last September 1, the terrorist military leader said that he would hold an election in 2024 after the nationwide census is completed and the voting process is completed. The military junta may try hard, thinking that the election is their only way out. So, we need to consider all sides so that this fake election does not happen. It is also necessary to tell the international community exactly that this election is an election that the ruling terrorist military council has no right to do,” said the Union Prime Minister.

In addition, the Prime Minister added that it is important to convey the correct message to international organizations and diplomats about the true situation of the revolution, the actions of the revolutionary forces, and the steps taken by the National Unity Government.


📌📌 3. European Parliament Vice-President Heidi Hautala and Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung have a meeting

NUG Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung announced her meeting with European Parliament Vice-President Heidi Hautala on September 12.

“Had a crucial conversation with EU Parliament Vice-President, Heidi Hautala. I reiterated our gratitude for EU Parliament’s continued support to Myanmar people.

We discussed ways the global community, especially EU & ASEAN, can assist Myanmar in tackling political and humanitarian crises,” said the Foreign Minister.


📌📌 4. The Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration presented the action plan to strategically integrate and implement the armed struggle and the public struggle at the cabinet meeting

It is reported that Home Affairs and Immigration Minister U Lwin Ko Latt presented the action plan of the strategic integration of armed struggle and public struggle on September 12 at the 31st cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government.

At the meeting, U Lwin Ko Latt, Union Minister of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, presented the action plan of the strategic integration of armed struggle and public struggle, the formation of a central group for the coordination of the general uprising, the announcement of a statement on the prevention and control of the dangers of narcotics and psychotropic drugs, and the issue of forming a central group, the declaration of the board of directors of Myawaddy Bank and Inwa Bank as a terrorist group, the declaration of the military junta’s central bank group as terrorists, and presented the structure and process of the task force to combat cross-border crimes.

The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management presented the humanitarian assistance policy approved at the NUCC and discussed the issue of the comprehensive humanitarian assistance seminar to be held in September.

Acting President Duwa Lashi La, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, Union Ministers, and Deputy Ministers attended the meeting.


📌📌 5. French President Emmanuel Macron donated one million euros to Rohingya refugees during his visit to Dhaka

On September 12, Union Minister of the NUG Ministry of Human Rights, U Aung Myo Min informed the news that French President Emmanuel Macron had reportedly donated one million euros to Rohingya refugees during his visit to Dhaka.

“During his trip to Dakar, French President Emmanuel Macron said that France will support Gambia’s genocide lawsuit against Myanmar at the ICJ Court and will continue to make efforts at the Security Council. He also helped Rohingya refugees with one million euros,” Union Minister said. 

Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min said that he welcomed the French government’s efforts to bring justice through international courts.

“At the same time, we continue to request efforts to prosecute war criminals in French domestic courts using the universal jurisdiction procedure,” the Union Minister said.


📌📌 6. The Police Department of Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration held a meeting with the township people’s security forces of Sagaing and Magway Divisions

On September 12, the meeting between the Police Department of NUG Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration (MOHAI), and the township people’s security forces of Sagaing and Magway Divisions (36/2023) was held.

At the meeting, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, gave an opening speech.

Following, the Associate Secretary and Police Chief of the Police Department greeted, and the attending members of the township people’s security forces asked and discussed regarding the security and law enforcement issues, judicial issues, and challenges encountered on the ground. The Permanent Secretary and Associate Secretary, discussed back briefly. 

The meeting was attended by Permanent Secretary, Associate Secretary, officials from the Public Administration Department, and Police Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, and members of the township people’s security forces Sagaing and Magway Divisions.


📌📌 7. From January to August 2023, emergency assistance was provided to 1,624 CDMers

The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) announced on September 12 that it was able to provide emergency assistance to (1,624) CDMers between January and August 2023.

“The Public Affairs Committee of the CRPH is supporting the CDM civil servants who resisted the illegal coup of the terrorist army through non-violent civil disobedience and the remaining families of the CDM heroes who died in the spring revolution. It is also working to connect with ministries and organizations for humanitarian aid, provide legal assistance, and support basic needs for people who have been unjustly arrested by the terrorist military council,” it stated.

The Public Affairs Committee stated that it is providing emergency support for maternity expenses of CDM heroes, emergency medical treatment expenses, relocation of their houses, difficult living due to relying only on CDM employees, and their houses being burnt down.

However, maternity expenses and emergency medical expenses are provided as the first priority, and if the committee has financial difficulties to support them, they connect to the relevant ministries to assist them in obtaining support.

From January to August 2023, the committee was able to provide 1,624 CDM employees with support in the following sectors: health, maternity, food, home displacement, home burning, arrest, and death.

The committee has provided for the urgent needs of CDMers through international donations and advertising revenue from the Ahlushin Application and the Spring Legends YouTube Channel. People can contribute to the CDMer heroes by installing the Ahlushin App through the links, clicking, and watching videos from the Spring Legends YouTube Channel.


📌📌 8. The Myaing Township People’s Defense Forces and allies jointly attacked the 170 to 200 strong junta column that left Myaing

On September 12, Myaing PaKaFa confirmed the military news that Myaing Township People’s Defense Forces and allies jointly attacked a junta column of 170 to 200 people leaving Myaing.

“On September 10, the 170 to 200 strong junta column that left Myaing arrived at Thin Paung Kan Village between 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. The Myaing Township People’s Defense Forces, the Village Coalition Force, and Myaing Township Eastern Zone teams attacked the column with heavy weapons and drones,” it stated.

In addition, the Myaing U.A.V Fighter unit of the Myaing Village People’s Defense Forces, the Village Coalition Force, the Myaing PaKaFa Company 5 of Battalion-2, and the Circuit-4 of PaKaFa Battalion-5 teamed up and dropped 20 Enaga bombs using UAV drones between 2:00 and 2:30 p.m. 

On September 12, the junta column killed a captured hostage near Paypinteik monastery and is reported to have arrived at Kanyarkaung Village.


📌📌 9. A public movement led by the Rosy Women’s Union – Dawei condemning against the male chauvinism, sexual exploitation and violence against women was held

On September 12, the Dawei District Movement Strike Committee (DDMSC) informed that led by the Rosy Women’s Union – Dawei, a public movement condemning male chauvinism, sexual exploitation, and violence against women was held on the afternoon of September 12.

The public movement was carried out holding the banner “Give an End to Rapists, Male Chauvinism, and Male Dominance,” and many local women participated in the movement.

Sexual exploitation and violence against women are widely committed by the terrorist military council troops and also by the revolutionary forces. 

The Rosy Women’s Union – Dawei also stated that they strongly condemned sexual exploitation and inhuman acts of violence against women, and they urged the NUG government to take effective action to perpetrators.




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