(In English) 5th Oct 2023 - Evening Daily News by Radio NUG

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📌 Spring Revolution Local News – Oct 05, 2023 (Evening)

📌📌 1. Acting President Reveals Allocation of Over $1 Million in Education Funds by the National Unity Government to Realise Federal Education Policy’s Goals

In a recent speech at the World Teacher’s Day celebration, Acting President Duwa Lashi La of the National Unity Government unveiled a significant allocation of over one million US dollars in education funds. The aim of this allocation is to ensure the effective implementation of educational standards set forth by Federal Education Policy.

“At this time, along with the ongoing revolution, we are placing significant emphasis on the education sector, as it plays a crucial role in the country’s restoration. The National Unity Government has allocated more than one million dollars in education funding to implement the educational standards outline in the Federal Democracy Charter and Federal Democracy Education Policy,” the Acting President said.

There are currently more than 70 federal online schools and more than 5,000 federal on-ground schools offering basic education around the nation.


📌📌 2. National Unity Government Plans to Recruit Additional Volunteer Teachers

During the celebration of World Teacher’s Day on October 5, Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann announced that the National Unity Government is taking steps to appoint additional volunteer teachers with the aim of distributing workload and enhancing the education system.

“As per the March survey this year, there are a total of 116,137 CDM (Civil Disobedience Movement) teachers within the basic education sector carrying out the policies of the Ministry of Education [of the National Unity Government]. There are also plans in place to appoint additional volunteer teachers to help distribute the workload,” the Union Prime Minister said.

Moreover, the Prime Minister of the Union stated that the government is taking steps to ensure sufficient assistance for the livelihood of the existing teachers and educational staff to the greatest extent possible.


📌📌 3. Terrorist Junta Enslaves the Military, Treating It as a Pocketing Force

In a recent talks with army CDM members in October, U Maung Maung Swe, Deputy Secretary of the NUG Ministry of Defence, said that the military junta is enslaving the military, mentioning that they are exploiting it as their personal tool.

“To be blunt, the soldiers and army officers are being held in servitude by the dictators. The dictators have enslaved the military, treating it as their pocket force. Subsequently, they have used these enslaved soldiers to further enslave the people. Now, as their pocket soldiers have gained a clearer perspective and an increasing number of them are seeking refuge through the people’s embrace program, the dictators are resorting to psychological warfare tactics,” he said.

There have been disintegrations in the military, and the junta has disseminated stories of disappearances among military personnel who have actually joined the civil disobedience movement (CDM) in an effort to hide this fact.

Currently, the NUG Ministry of Defence is granting commendation rewards to members of the junta’s armed forces who have switched to the side of the people through the People’s Embrace Program and facilitating their safe relocation.


📌📌 4. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun Highlights Military Junta’s Incapacity in Governing Country, Managing Economy and Delivering Lasting Stability at UN’s Second Committee Meeting

In a recent address at the Second Committee (Economic and Financial Committee) of the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly, Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the UN, asserted the incapacity of the military junta in effectively governing the country, managing its economy, and ensuring long-term peace and stability.

“It has been over two and half years since the illegal military takeover in Myanmar, and people face wide-ranging political and socio-economic challenges daily in addition to the military junta’s grievous atrocities and systematic gross violation of human rights all over the country. Its consequences have led many people to struggle to find sustainable jobs, access to basic services, and even obtain enough food to meet their primary needs,” the Ambassador said. He then continued, “It is crystal clear that the military junta is not capable of governing the country or managing the economy and it is not capable of delivering durable peace and stability.”

Meanwhile, the Ambassador reiterated the call for the international community to offer robust and effective assistance to the people of Myanmar, while also urging the United Nations and its member states not to falter in their commitment to Myanmar and to uphold the ‘leave no one behind’ principle in practice for the people of Myanmar.


📌📌 5. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun Calls on Neighbouring Countries to Protect Surviving Women and Girls from Myanmar Military Atrocities

In a statement delivered during the General Discussion on Advancement of Women of the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian & Cultural Issues) of the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly, Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the UN, has called upon neighbouring countries to extend their support in protecting the people of Myanmar, especially women and girls, who survived the atrocities of the Myanmar military.

“Over the past 31 months, the military junta has perpetrated grave atrocities and systematically violated human rights as it wages a campaign against the people of Myanmar,” the Ambassador stated. He referenced data from the AAPP (Assistance Association for Political Prisoners) showing that during this period, at least 4,141 individuals have been brutally killed by the military junta, of whom more than 613 are women.

“Women and girls in Myanmar, particularly in conflict-affected areas, need protection from the military’s sexual violence. The survivors deserve justice,” emphasised the ambassador. He further appealed to the countries in the region, with particular emphasis on neighbouring countries, to provide protection for the people of Myanmar, particularly women and girls who have fled the military’s atrocities and sought refuge in their respective countries.

The Ambassador also underscored that women who were subjected to extrajudicial executions by the military have been discovered with injuries that are indicative of sexual violence.


📌📌 6. Six junta soldiers collecting water in Myaing Township were killed in an ambush

Reportedly, a junta column collecting groundwater near an electric pump close to Kaing Taw Ma village for their camp in Myaing Township was ambushed on October 3, resulting in at least six fatalities and several injuries. Those junta soldiers were stationed at the branch of the No. 2 Heavy Industries Enterprise (HIE-2) in Myaing Township.

The ambush was carried out by the combined forces of battalion Nos. 1 and 3 of the Myaing Township people’s defence organisation (Myaing Pa-Ka-Fa/PDO), the MUGDF group, and the Pakokku District PDF Battalion No. 2. Reportedly, two members of the combined forces sustained minor injuries while attempting to secure weapons during the operation due to reinforcement from the junta forces.

The defence forces reported that on the next morning on October 4, a Mi-17 helicopter arrived to recover the bodies of the deceased soldiers and to evacuate the injured.


📌📌 7. KNDF Discloses Participation in 29 Battles with Military in September, causing 78 Casualties and Destroying Two Military Vehicles

On October 3, the headquarters of the Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) issued a statement, revealing their cooperation with allied resistance forces in 29 battles throughout Karenni State in September 2023. These battles led to the fatalities of 78 junta troops and left several others injured. During these engagements, the allied resistance forces managed to capture 36 firearms, 5 heavy weapons, and a variety of ammunition types. Additionally, they incinerated two military trucks and planted a landmine targeting another military vehicle. Furthermore, the KNDF reported the capture of five junta soldiers as prisoners of war.

According to the statement, during September, the military junta forces conducted 20 airstrikes in Karenni State, resulting in injuries to 7 civilians in the region. Additionally, a civilian was killed as a result of the military junta’s artillery fire. Furthermore, the airstrikes caused the destruction of one residence, one health facility, and one Christian church.


📌📌 8. Freedom Revolution Force (FRF) Engages in Three Battles and Two Guerrilla Operations in September, Eliminating About Ten Junta Troops, Including Military Officer

In September, the Freedom Revolution Force (FRF), in collaboration with resistance alliances, engaged in three battles against the military junta troops, as disclosed in a statement on October 5. The Freedom Revolution Force (FRF) is a revolutionary force active in Sagaing Division. Additionally, the FRF stated that they had conducted two guerrilla operations employing a 40-mm grenade launcher.

These engagements resulted in the deaths of approximately ten junta troops, including a military officer, while also leading to the successful seizure of weapons and ammunition.




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