(In English) 9th Oct 2023 - Morning Daily News by Radio NUG

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📌 Spring Revolution Local News – Oct 09, 2023(Morning) 

📌📌 1. SSPP and TNLA jointly announced that the battle in Kutkai Township was only due to a misunderstanding and that they would work together politically and militarily to achieve the revolution

This announcement was made after the two sides met on October 6 and 7 regarding the battle that took place in Mai Yu Lay area of Kutkai Township, Northern Shan State.

The two sides informed that the battle between Shan State Progressive Party (SSPP) and Palaung State Liberation Front/Ta’ang National Liberation Army (PSLF/TNLA) in Mai Yu Lay area of Kutkai Township was a conflict caused by mutual misunderstanding.

It is also reported that the 2 sides negotiated a solution so that the alliance forces could learn from each other and prevent this from happening again in the future. The statement also included that the two alliance organizations will mutually observe the political and military agreements made and cooperate to achieve the revolution for national liberation as soon as possible.


📌📌 2. Medic corps of the Shwebo District PDF Battalion 8 provided medical treatment to more than 400 war refugees during a month

Medic corps from the Shwebo District Battalion 8, No. 1 Military Region, Sagaing Division, provided health care to more than 400 war refugees and local patients during September, according to the Health Branch of the Public Relations Department of the Battalion.

“We are providing free medical treatment to the war refugees’ camps and local residents in the Shwebo area to reduce health costs. During a month of medical treatment, 1 malaria patient, 2 childbirth patients, 10 minor surgery patients, and 423 general diseases, totaling 436 patients, were treated,” it stated.

General treatments include dengue fever, diarrhea, runny nose, cough, smallpox, high blood pressure and diabetes in the elderly.

The medical supplies used are donated by the people, and the Battalion 10 health workers, including nurses, midwives, and volunteers, visit villages 5 times a month to provide medical treatment.

In addition, Battalion 8 opened a health clinic for local residents and war refugees on May 20 of this year, and is providing medicine and treatment to war refugees as much as possible, said a group official.


📌📌 3. More than 1,300 people have been arrested for writing and communicating in support of the Spring Revolution on social media

Data for Myanmar reported that more than 1,300 people have been detained for criticizing the junta and supporting the opposition forces online.

“From February 2022 to September 2023, a total of 1,316 people were detained for criticizing the junta and supporting the opposition forces on social media platforms. 

On January 25, 2022, the SAC announced that the public should refrain from sharing content on inciting violence and supporting NUG/CRPH and its affiliated organizations through social media. Otherwise, actions would be taken according to Section 52(a) of the Anti-Terrorism Law, Section 124-A and Section 505-A of the Penal Code, and Section 33(a) of the Electronic Communications Act. In addition, daily newspapers and news media close to the military junta published the news of actions taken.

Most of the detainees were Facebook users, but some TikTok and Telegram users were also detained. An average of 65 people were detained every month. From May to August 2022, more than 100 people were detained every month, amounting to 500 detainees in 4 months,” the report said.

Almost half of the detainees are from Yangon and Mandalay regions, with more than 600 people.

Data for Myanmar does not have detailed information such as the latest situation of the detainees.


📌📌 4. In Kale Township, a terrorist military council army killed a grandchild and grandmother and burned down civilian houses

The Chin National Defense Force (CNDF – UCR) announced on October 7 that the Military Council troops who raided Secund Village in Kale Township, Sagaing Division, killed a grandchild and grandmother and burned civilian houses.

On the morning of October 7, a 100-strong military council column entered Secund Village in the south of Kale Township, forcing the residents to flee.

After that, the 67-year-old grandmother Nue Ngai Hnam and her 14-year-old grandson Salai Van Bwe Lyan, who returned to the village temporarily, were arrested and killed by the military council’s column.

“The two of them went back to the village to get some mustard, then they were arrested and killed. When the parents made a call to his son, one of the soldiers of the military council told them that they were dead. The junta soldiers also burned the body and the motorcycle,” CNDF spokesperson Salai Kyun Ngai said.

In addition, there is no information on whether a disabled man who remained in the village is alive or not.

There were clashes between the military council’s troops and local defense forces during the invasion, and many were killed and injured on the side of the military council troops.

From the morning to the evening of October 7, the military council troops set fire to the houses of Secund Village and were stationed in the village. On October 8, it was reported that they were burning again.


📌📌 5. 9mm handmade pistols were upgraded to make urban activities more powerful

Amarapura Warrior Force said that they have upgraded the 9-mm hand-made pistols to make them easier and more powerful during urban guerrilla activities.

The Amarapura Warrior Force is a local defense force in Mandalay Region and is currently operating in Sagaing Region.

The group has already been working on weapons production, and it is said that it has upgraded the pistols to be easier to use and lighter for urban guerrilla activities.

“Manufacturing is no longer the same. The technique has also become way more advanced. The guns have been upgraded. The gun is so small that it seems to have disappeared from the hand. It is being produced primarily to be used in urban missions, Pyu, and Dalan clearing,” said the leader of the force, Bo Moe Lwin.

He added that the upgraded weapons are not made of iron, so they will not be rusted and jammed during missions, and they are made smaller to be easier to handle in the hand.

It is said that these weapons productions are not intended for sale but only for the benefit of the revolution, and if the ground revolution groups need technology and weapons, they will verify whether they are actually operating organizations and help them.


📌📌 6. In Sagaing, PDF attacked 2 terrorist military vehicles with landmines and 1 vehicle was hit and damaged

It is reported that the Sagaing People’s Defence Force ambushed 2 military vehicles that came out of Sadaung Police Station under the terrorist military council in Sagaing Township, Sagaing Division.

At around 2:00 a.m. on October 6, these 2 vehicles carrying about 60 terrorist junta soldiers were ambushed by Company 4 of Sagaing District People’s Defense Force (PDF) Battalion 2, and one car was hit by a mine and damaged. That military vehicle hit by the landmine was tugged by a 12-wheeler, according to the report released by Sagaing District People’s Defense Force (PDF) Battalion 2, dated October 7.

The People’s Defense Forces said they were unharmed, and the death of the terrorist junta soldier has not yet been confirmed.

Sagaing District People’s Defense Force (PDF) Battalion 2 informed that the news reporting was delayed due to the safety of the comrades and the security situation in the area.


📌📌 7. In Mandalay, an urban guerrilla group shot and killed 1 junta sergeant guarding the general office

According to locals, a junta sergeant who was guarding the township general administration office at the corner of 19th Street and 86th Street near Nyaungpin Market in Aungmyaytharzan Township, Mandalay, was shot dead.

That military council sergeant was killed by Generation Z Power – GZP (Mandalay), an urban guerrilla group, at 1:00 p.m. on October 7, according to GZP people’s defense urban guerrilla force (Mandalay).

According to locals, the body of the military council sergeant, who died after being hit by a bullet in the head as a result of the shooting, was taken to the Mandalay Palace in an emergency vehicle.

Generation Z Power – GZP (Mandalay) Urban Guerrilla Force stated that the comrades who carried out the shooting were able to retreat safely and have reached a safe place.

After the shooting, the military council troops conducted random guest list checks in some neighborhoods in the city yesterday night, and the street east of the office where the shooting occurred has been blocked since yesterday evening until today, according to local residents.


📌📌 8. Myanmar people in Japan protested in front of the Myanmar Embassy in Tokyo against paying taxes to the military council 

It is reported that Myanmar people in Japan protested in front of the Myanmar Embassy in Tokyo as a movement to not pay taxes to the military council and not to renew their passports.

The demonstration was held on October 6 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and led by the Federation of Workers’ Union of the Burmese Citizen in Japan (FWUBC). Myanmar people in Japan participated in the demonstration.

“This is completely unacceptable, as the tax money will go to the side that bullied, tortured, and killed people instead of the development of the country. We are showing that we cannot accept a terrorist group relying on weapons that is not a democratic government elected by the public,” said U Myint Swe, chairman of the Federation of Workers’ Union of the Burmese Citizen in Japan (FWUBC).

At the demonstration, “We will not pay tax to the military junta at all. We will not secretly extend the passport. Let’s oppose the orders issued by the military group. We know that the Spring Revolution will definitely prevail,” people shouted, focusing on four points.

Expatriate workers have to pay the taxes determined by their respective countries, so if they have to pay additional income tax to the Myanmar government, they will face the situation of having to pay double taxes.

“In the agreement between the Japanese government and the Myanmar government, there are already provisions that the two types of workers, apprentices and skilled workers, are not subject to double taxation. They come to Japan with everything they have. They don’t get much, and if they were to collect 10 percent more of their income tax, they would be left with nothing. That’s why we’re protesting,” said the FWUBC chairman.

Currently, there are rumors of threats that the employment contracts of the workers who will leave abroad include the payment of taxes to Myanmar and that if they do not pay back the taxes, their permit to leave abroad will be suspended for three years.




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