(26/05/2024) Weekly News in English

The Union Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, Mann Win Khing Than, attends the Interim Local Public Administration Development Central Committee Meeting, the Union Minister for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the National Unity Government, Daw Zin Mar Aung , and the Union Minister for the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment, U Tin Tun Naing, meets members of the Korean House of Representatives and the Union Minister for the Ministry of Human Rights of the National Unity Government, U Aung Myo Min urges the inclusion of the Myanmar issue in the International Labor Conference –ILC. 


1. The Union Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, Mann Win Khing Than attended the Interim Local Public Administration Development Central Committee Meeting No.17/2024, on May 23rd. At the meeting, the Union Prime Minister remarked that he would like to urge the ministers to conduct the meetings themselves since it is critical that there is no misunderstanding between the revolutionary forces, and that if necessary, we can meet and discuss the difficulties. The Union Prime Minister also stated that he would like to urge people to properly manage the administration's establishment as a sector that will assist the revolution move forward. He emphasized that they had to deal with the public in anything they do. The members of the central committee presented the decision made at the 16/2024 meeting, the accomplishment of the preceding tasks, the ongoing processes. The officials also discussed extensively about the implementation tasks. The meeting was attended by the Union Prime Minister, Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, joint Permanent Secretaries and concerned officials.


2. The Union Minister for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the National Unity Government, Daw Zin Mar Aung and the Union Minister for the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment, U Tin Tun Naing met with four members of the Korean House of Representatives, and Song Gonwon University political science professor Bae Un Hoon, on May 20th. During the meeting, Korean parliamentarians reiterated their commitment to supporting the development of Myanmar's democratic system after the military takeover. While summarizing the current situation in Myanmar and the implementation tasks of the NUG, the Union Foreign Affairs Minister stated that the terrorist military junta has been defeated in all sectors, and the revolutionary people are progressing and achieving by increasing controlling areas, cooperating with ethnic organizations in politics, military, and financial sectors, and building the federal system from the ground up. Furthermore, the Union Minister urged the Korean government to maintain the principle of no communication with the terrorist military junta, the Hluttaw to regulate the military economic restrictions imposed by the previous government on the terrorist military junta so that the current government does not reduce them, and the parliament to monitor the affairs of the Korean Posaco and the terrorist military junta doing business. The Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing emphasized the NUG government's ability to control the territory and provided tax results. Ei Yeon Song, a Member of Parliament, stated that the Korean government's policy of not recognizing the terrorist military junta remains unchanged. The parliament is watching, and they have reiterated their commitment to encourage the Korean government to provide humanitarian relief and adopt constructive initiatives.


3.  The Union Minister for the Ministry of Human Rights of the National Unity Government, U Aung Myo Min, informed the media that during a trip to New Zealand in May, he urged officials to discuss the Myanmar issue at the International Labour Conference-ILC. The Union Minister stated that in June, there would be a tripartite meeting of employers, workers, and government officials from all countries known as the ILC.  During the period, employers and trade unions should include and express the Myanmar issue whenever possible, report all human rights and labor rights violations in Myanmar accredit NUG through the ILC, and take additional criminal action through the ILO against the crimes committed by the terrorist military junta. CTUM Myanmar is now gathering support for its proposal that Myanmar's terrorist military junta not represent the country at the International Labour Conference.


4. The Ministry of Human Rights of the National Unity Government has released a statement notifying people to the circulation of a fake declaration. In the fake statement, it was found that the phrases included inciting to worsen ethnic and religious conflicts in Rakhine state. Therefore, the NUG government published the following official statement on May 21: the National Unity Government is alarmed by grave reports on the situation in Buthidaung Township in Northern Rakhine State. The terrorist military council is purportedly making inter-communal conflict by creating chaos and the large-scale destruction, bombing and aerial attacks on the villages. Rakhine, Rohingya and Hindu civilians are being forced to move and their houses are being hurt. Some distressing reports also allege that an unconfirmed number of civilians have been killed and wounded. We are deeply concerned that violations in Northern Rakhine State may be ongoing.  


5. The National Unity Government issued a statement on May 21, expressing its concerned about the situation in Buthidaung Township in Northern Rakhine State. The National Unity Government is very concerned about the terrorist military junta burning houses of local Arakan and Hindu people in Buthidaung Township with the intention of causing ethnic conflict, as well as airstrikes and heavy weapons attacking, forcing local people, including Rohingya, to flee and burning buildings and villages. In addition, the NUG concerned some distressing reports also allege that an unconfirmed number of civilians have been killed and wounded. They are deeply concerned that violations in Northern Rakhine State may be ongoing.  The National Unity Government joins others in calling for the cessation of all attacks on civilians and civilians property; for the protection of all civilians, property, and the objects, particularly those persons most vulnerable, and for the immediate and unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance to all persons in need, including cross border. The National Unity Government is fully committed to its international humanitarian and human rights law obligations, including through our military Code of Conduct. They hold themselves to this statement and expect the same of all actors and forces in Myanmar. The Arakan Army (AA), which controls Buthidaung Township, announced on May 20, that the terrorist military junta’s forces and those who trained the people are destroying houses and planning for a religious riot.





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