Military News Updates – March 17, 2025 Evening
๐ฉ๐ฉ 1. The Terrorist Military Regime Has Carried Out 2,190 Airstrikes, Resulting in the Deaths of 372 Children
March 17
The terrorist military regime has conducted over 2,000 airstrikes targeting civilian locations, resulting in the deaths of more than 300 children, according to a statement released by the National Unity Government's Ministry of Human Rights on March 17.
On March 16, 2025, at around 5:30 PM, the terrorist military regime launched an airstrike on Sein Yadana Pariyatti Monastic School in Naung Cho, Northern Shan State. The attack killed 10 individuals, including two monks, five children under the age of 18, one civilian man, and two women. Many others were injured.
Two days prior, on March 14, in the evening, the terrorist military regime also carried out an airstrike on the market of Letpan Hla Village, Singu Township, Mandalay Region. This attack killed 27 civilians, including six children—one of whom was a four-month-old infant.
The deliberate targeting of public places such as markets and religious sites through airstrikes is strongly condemned. The terrorist military regime has systematically used airstrikes as a broad strategy to target civilian areas, causing mass casualties, including children.
According to data recorded by the Ministry of Human Rights from 2023 to March 16, 2025, the terrorist military regime has conducted 2,190 airstrikes on civilian locations, resulting in the deaths of 372 children.
The military regime’s attacks on civilian areas and the resulting deaths of children constitute blatant violations of International Humanitarian Law, which explicitly prohibits such acts. These attacks also directly violate the principle of protecting children in armed conflict, as the deliberate killing and harming of children is classified as one of the six grave violations against children.
Furthermore, the regime's actions violate the rights enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, including the right to life, the right to development, the right to participation, and the right to protection.
Beyond violating international human rights and humanitarian laws, the terrorist military regime is also flagrantly breaching global child protection standards and international treaties. Therefore, the Ministry of Human Rights urges nations that advocate for human rights and child protection to take swift and effective action through international human rights mechanisms and legal frameworks to hold the regime accountable.
๐ฉ๐ฉ 2. A Sergeant and Two Soldiers from the Military Council Defect to Tada-U Pa Ka Pha
March 17
A sergeant and two soldiers from the terrorist military council have defected to the People’s Defense Force (Pa Ka Pha) in Tada-U Township, Mandalay Region, under the administration of the National Unity Government’s Military Region 1.
On March 13, 2025, Sergeant Aung Moe from the terrorist military council defected to Tada-U Pa Ka Pha, bringing with him an MA1 rifle, 162 rounds of ammunition, two grenades, one landmine, 10 G3 bullets, and three MA1 magazines.
On the same day, during the weekly roll call for military service at Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-253) of the terrorist military council, two soldiers—Kyaw Aung and Byar Gyi—also defected to Tada-U Pa Ka Pha without weapons.
The Tada-U People’s Defense Force warmly welcomed the three defectors. Sergeant Aung Moe was commended for bringing weapons and ammunition, while the two soldiers were also rewarded appropriately for successfully escaping. They were later transported to liberated areas according to their wishes.
๐ฉ๐ฉ 3. The Enemy Now Controls Only About 20% of the Country’s Territory
March 17
According to PDFInsight, a military analysis group, the enemy now controls only about 20% of the country’s territory.
“The revolution, which initially started with homemade weapons and was dismissed as a joke by international military analysts, has, within just four years, reached a decisive stage capable of determining the country’s future. Battles are now being waged across the nation—from the northernmost to the southernmost regions, and from the western frontlines in Chin and Rakhine States to the northeastern and southeastern fronts—excluding areas held by two Shan armed groups and the Chinese border. The enemy now holds only about 20% of the country's territory," PDFInsight assessed.
The primary reason for this shift is the unwavering determination of the people, who have finally realized that they must decisively overthrow the fascist military dictatorship that has ruled the country for decades.
Myanmar’s Spring Revolution has not been just a theoretical movement—it has been forged through real-life experiences and struggles. After four years of resistance, the People’s Defense Forces (PDF), which began their fight with makeshift weapons, have now accumulated significant battlefield experience, standing strong against what was once considered the world’s 38th most powerful military force.
This military analysis report was sent by Min Thihan, a correspondent for Radio NUG.
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