(In English) 2nd Sep 2023 - Morning Daily News by Radio NUG

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📌 Spring Revolution Local News – Sep 02, 2023(Morning) 

📌📌 1. In the spring revolution, the entire logistic process is important

“In the spring revolution, the entire logistic process is important,” Union Minister U Soe Thura Tun said at the “Peacock Warriors Are Marching” campaign discussion held on September 1.

“The stance of a government is to stand with the participation of the public. And now comes the logistic process. This is very important. There is support for food. There is also support for weapons. However, there are sectors to get from one place to another, short and long equipment, and other topics. These are also things to think about. All of them are very important,” said the Union Minister.

The “Peacock Warriors are Marching” campaign is selling 1 raffle ticket for 30,000 Myanmar kyats with a target of 100 million kyats in order to meet the needs, as well as vehicles, which are essential for transportation.

“How long will our comrades be able to endure when they are fighting with weapons and ammunition? That’s why this logistic process is very important, so we have to do small events like this. So we need people’s contributions for support campaigns. For this reason, you can now buy raffle tickets for the campaign “Peacock Warriors Are Marching” from international agents,” said Daw Thiri Yadanar, MP from Bilin, Mon State, during the talk.


📌📌 2. Union Minister U Nai Suwunna urges to organize and fight while the fascist military dictators are facing crisis

The Union Minister of Labor, U Nai Suwunna, said at the 76th Mon Revolution Day ceremony to unite and fight while the fascist military dictators are facing crisis.

“At a time when the fascist military dictators are in crisis and losing its political path, let’s organize and fight chauvinism once and for all,” the Union Minister said.

Currently, the terrorist junta side is suffering in Karenni Region, Karen State, Chin State, Sagaing Region, and Magway Region, and it is in a period of financial crisis. 


📌📌 3. PRF families who have provided support every month will also receive outstanding supporter recognition badges on the PRF member card

It is reported that the PRF families who have provided support every month will also receive outstanding supporter recognition badges on the PRF member card.

Member cards will be reissued in the new PRF 2.0 project of the People’s Revolution Supply Family (PRF) that will start in September.

In the new PRF 2.0 project of the People’s Revolution Supply Family (PRF), new member cards will include which region you are providing to, and when reading the QR code included in the member card, you will be able to review the history of your support.

In addition, the Ministry of Defence has announced that the PRF families who have been supporting every month will also receive outstanding supporter recognition badges on the PRF member card.


📌📌 4. Public strike leader Dr. Tayzar San said that the most important thing in starting a revolution is not to oppose the people

The most important thing in starting a revolution is not to oppose the people, said the leader of the Mandalay public strike, Dr. Tayzar San.

“In the revolution, the public is as important as the PDF Army. The political knowledge of the soldiers is as important as their military expertise. Building an army with not only numbers but also full capabilities is as important as the need for financial funds. The discipline and moral integrity of all soldiers are as important as the need for weapons and ammunition. Developing a proper public administration mechanism in one’s area is as important as developing a military offensive. The most important thing in starting a revolution is not to oppose the people. If you oppose the people, the people will fight back again,” he said.

After the military seized power on February 1, 2021, the Spring Revolution emerged along with the public movement against the military dictatorship.


📌📌 5. An open letter will be sent to the Singapore government after the collection of the signatures in the petition for the “Do More Singapore!” campaign calling on Singapore, which is the third biggest supplier of arms and equipment to the Myanmar military, not to sell arms anymore

It is reported that an open letter will be sent to the Singapore government after the collection of the signatures in the petition for the “Do More Singapore!” campaign calling on Singapore, which is the third biggest supplier of arms and equipment to the Myanmar military, not to sell arms anymore.

The Blood Money Campaign (BMC) informed that they will collect signatures from 100,000 people in Myanmar for a petition, “Do More Singapore!”, to block the Myanmar junta’s access to funds, arms, equipment and jet fuel.

It is said that Singapore is the third biggest supplier of arms and equipment to the Myanmar military, and the first largest country that transacts the foreign income of the terrorist military.

UN Special Rapporteur Tom Andrews commented, “If the Singapore Government stopped all facilitation and shipment of arms to the Myanmar military from its jurisdiction, the impact on the junta’s ability to manufacture arms that it is using to commit its war crimes would be significantly disrupted.”

Therefore, along with the campaign to cut blood money, local and foreign partner organizations will send an open letter to the Singapore government, requesting to:

Introduce sanctions to stop the direct and indirect transfer of arms, dual-use goods, technology, jet fuel, and related transactions, to the Myanmar military, 

Block the junta’s access to Singapore’s financial system through targeted sanctions, including on junta banks, and 

Expedite and make public ongoing investigations into Singaporean companies that have supplied arms, dual-use goods and technology to the Myanmar military.

The link to sign the petition is given on the Blood Money Facebook page.


📌📌 6. Singapore’s United Overseas Bank (UOB) is cutting off ties with banks in Myanmar from September 1

On September 1, the Channel News Asia (CNA) news media stated, “Singapore’s United Overseas Bank (UOB) is cutting off ties with banks in Myanmar from Friday (Sep 1).”

It stated, “Singapore’s United Overseas Bank (UOB) is cutting off ties with banks in Myanmar from Friday (Sep 1), a move that is in step with international sanctions targeting Myanmar’s banking industry.

The bank will restrict all incoming and outgoing payments to and from Myanmar accounts. It will also put curbs on Visa and Mastercard transactions from Myanmar.”

It is said that the CNA reached out to the UOB bank, but it said it cannot comment on client relationships.


📌📌 7. Five were killed when a drone bombed terrorist junta soldiers under Division-22 stationed near Kyauk Set, Ywar Thit Kone Village, Kawkareik Township

On September 1, the Albino Tiger Column confirmed the military news that five were killed when a drone bombed terrorist junta soldiers under Division-22 stationed near Kyauk Set, Ywar Thit Kone Village of Kawkareik Township.

It is said that on August 29, the terrorist junta soldiers under Division-22 stationed near Kyauk Set, Ywar Thit Kone Village, Kawkareik Township, were attacked with cluster bombs using drones by the Albino Tiger Security Team (Southern Eagle- PDF), Albino Tiger Company-4, and Albino Tiger Company-5 (Justice Soldier-PDF).

Five junta soldiers were reportedly killed as a result of the attack.


📌📌 8. During August 2023, (9) women and (36) men; (45) people in total, have been killed by the junta in Sagaing Region

The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma) stated in its “Daily Briefing in Relation to the Military Coup”, updated on September 1, 2023:

“According to data collected by AAPP, during August 2023, (9) women and (36) men; (45) people in total, have been killed by the junta in Sagaing Region. The number of people killed in detention amounts to (25) victims, resulting in the highest proportion of junta-related deaths in the region.

In addition, during the stated period, in Sagaing Region, (5) women and (6) men; (11) people in total have been arrested by the junta and (16) women and (54) men; (70) people in total, have been given prison sentences under specious charges by courts subservient to the junta.

On the afternoon of August 28, junta forces raided Zee Phyu Kyin Village in Tigyaing Township, Sagaing Region, and fired artillery shells and guns. Over 60 year old called Paw Wa, who attempted to evacuate on a bullock cart was killed by gunshots to the chest, leg, and arms.”




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