(In English) 5th Sep 2023 - Evening Daily News by Radio NUG

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📌 Spring Revolution Local News – Sep 05, 2023 (Evening)

📌📌 1. The Acting President urges the expansion of the civil disobedience movement (CDM), as it is a powerful public movement for overthrowing the military dictatorship

Cabinet meeting 30/2023 held, 2nd September 2023

At the 30th 2023 Cabinet Meeting of the National Unity Government held on September 5, Acting President Duwa Lashi La remarked about the civil disobedience movement (CDM):

“The CDM movement is an effective public movement to defeat the military dictatorship in the Spring Revolution, and we must think about how to expand it in a practical way. I also want to urge everyone to work together not to waste the nation’s human resources, including the public employees who are participating in the CDM.”

The Acting President continued by saying that the civil disobedience movement has the ability to revolutionise against the junta broadly across several fields and non-violent public activities.


📌📌 2. Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing claims that financial offensives are also being undertaken against the military regime

Union Minister for Planning, Finance, and Investment U Tin Tun Naing stated at the Interim Central Bank of the National Unity Government’s second meeting that the financial front was also vigorously waging offensives against the military junta.

The Interim Central Bank’s second meeting discussed and adopted a resolution to establish contacts with international governments and financial institutions in order to block the terrorist military’s access to financial resources.


📌📌 3. Union Minister Dr. Sasa expresses hope for the new Thai Prime Minister to adopt a stronger stance in regard to the ongoing conflict in Myanmar

On September 5, Dr. Sasa, NUG Union Minister for International Cooperation, reposted his interview with Al Jazeera.

An Al Jazeera’s article dated September 4 quoted NUG Union Minister for International Cooperation Dr. Sasa: “We wholeheartedly welcome Prime Minister Thavisin’s expressed intention to restore Thailand’s international standing, and we hope this signifies a commitment to taking a more robust stance on addressing the ongoing crisis in Myanmar,” highlighting Dr. Sasa’s notation of the Myanmar crisis having “far-reaching implications for regional peace and stability”. 

Union Minister Dr. Sasa emphasised the paramount importance of implementing the ASEAN Five-Point Consensus, and the Burma Act included in the United States’ National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA) called on Thailand to work with like-minded countries to exert maximum pressure on the Myanmar military junta.


📌📌 4. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe and his team have a town hall community meeting with the Myanmar diaspora in Sydney, Australia

Town hall community in Sydney, Australia, 2nd September 2023

Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Union Minister for Health and Education, and Dr. Tun Aung Shwe, NUG Representative to Australia, attended a town hall community meeting arranged by the CRPH/NUG Support Group NSW (New South Wales) at Granville Community Centre  in Sydney, Australia, on September 3, according to the September 4 press release of the Ministry of Health of the National Unity Government.

At the meeting, the Union Minister and the Representative discussed the current state of things in the Spring Revolution and then listened to the audience and gave warm and frank responses to their questions.

After that, the Myanmar diaspora donated funds for the Spring Revolution in Myanmar.


📌📌 5. Union Minister U Aung Myo Min criticises the military council’s decision to cut diplomatic ties with Timor-Leste as a foolish act

Union Minister U Aung Myo Min’s interview with Mizzima

“The terrorist military responded in a frenzy to Timor’s diplomatic contact with the NUG. The terrorist military, which has failed diplomatically and damaged its prestige, committed such a risky and foolish diplomatic misstep in an effort to soothe its sore wounds while also underestimating a small nation like Timor,” NUG Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min responded to a media interview in September.

Union Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung attending the swearing-in ceremony of the new government on behalf of the National Unity Government and having a discussion with President José Ramos-Horta Timor-Leste officially recognised and invited the National Unity Government to the swearing-in ceremony of the new government and Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung and NUG Representative the Czech Republic U Linn Thant attended the ceremony.

The military junta expelled Timor-Leste’s senior diplomat and his family, ordering them to leave Myanmar by September 1.


📌📌 6. In Taninthayi Region, the Kyunsu Township people’s defence organisation arrests drug dealers and users and burns 1,030 seized Yaba tablets with “WY” logos

According to a report of the Kyunsu Township people’s defence organisation (Kyunsu Pa-Ka-Fa/PDO) on September 5, the Kyunsu Pa-Ka-Fa/PDO and Tanintharyi Pa-Ka-Fa/PDO collaborated in a drug arrest and seizure.

Aung Latt from Kawt Ka Nin village, Kawt Za Yar village tract, Kyunsu Township, was detained along with 1,010 Yaba tablets bearing “WY” logos on August 31 after the collaborated PDOs conducted an investigation in the village in response to a drug complaint.

Similarly, Than Soe and Than Htain (aka Kalar) from Myaing Thar Yar village, Bandane village tract, Kyunsu Township, were detained along with 20 Yaba tablets bearing “WY” logos.

The three offenders received the proper punishment, and they were strongly admonished not to engage in drug sales, distribution, or use in the future, according to the PDO’s report. Moreover, the report claimed that a total of 1,030 drug tablets seized from them were burned and destroyed in front of them.




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