(In English) 7th Oct 2023 - Morning Daily News by Radio NUG

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📌 Spring Revolution Local News – Oct 07, 2023(Morning) 

📌📌 1. The Public Security Department of the Nay Pyi Taw Sub-Military Region conducted training on the Code of Conduct

It is reported that the soldiers of Nay Pyi Taw Sub-Military Region Battalion 805, People’s Defence Force (PDF), Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government (NUG) were given training on soldier’s rules on October 3 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. by the Public Security Department of Nay Pyi Taw Sub-Military Region.

COC – Code of Conduct / Soldier’s rules to be followed by comrades, soldiers, and military personnel, general rules of war that military personnel must follow, and international armed conflict laws that soldiers must know and follow, such as IHL – International Humanitarian Law and Geneva Conventions, were taught in the training.

It was reported that 21 soldiers attended the training.


📌📌 2. The Myanmar Women Parliamentarians Network has already been established

The Union Minister of the Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs, Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe, said that the Myanmar Women Parliamentarians Network (MWPN) has been formed.

“I made an interview about the Indian House of People’s approval of 33% woman representation in Parliament on September 19, 2023. Currently, there is 15% female participation in the Indian Parliament. This approval is welcomed worldwide as a historic development. In Myanmar, women’s representation in Parliament was 13% in 2015, and it rose to 17% in 2020. However, women MPs were not allowed to enter Parliament. Most of them are doing their best for the people in their constituencies. The Myanmar Women Parliamentarians Network has also been formed. I believe that women will have more representation in the new federal state soon,” the minister said.

Currently, the representatives of the National League for Democracy (NLD) are carrying out revolutionary duties in addition to affairs responsibilities.


📌📌 3. Another diplomatic briefing was held regarding the incident of the junta army’s firing of heavy artillery at a school in Jo Taung Village in Wun Tho Township

NUG Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min said on October 6 that another diplomatic briefing was held regarding the incident of the junta army’s firing of heavy artillery at a school in Jo Taung Village in Wun Tho Township.

“Another diplomatic briefing was held regarding the incident of the deaths of 21 children and a teacher due to heavy artillery firing with howitzers at a school in Jo Taung Village in Wun Tho Township, from the Light Infantry Battalion 120, which is located 10 miles away from the school. The statements of the eyewitness teacher and nurse about what they saw, hit me hard. Every time I listen to the words from my heart, I feel broken. Looking at the blood stains in the classroom, I detest the terrorists. From brokenness to resentment, from resentment to more determination for justice, I am reminding myself that I have to work harder,” the minister said.

One teacher and 21 children, a total of 22 individuals in a public school next to the monastery, got injured due to the sudden launch of artillery shrapnel on Khandi Wuntha Yama monastery in Buta Quarter, Jo Taung Ywama Village, Wuntho Township, Kawlin District, Sagaing Division, at 12:30 p.m. on September 27, 2023, from the Light Infantry Battalion 120 under Division 33 of the military council, stationed in Wuntho Township, in the absence of ongoing conflict. Among the injured, there were five 7-year-old children, seven 8-year-old children, and eight 10-year-old children, with an overall total of 10 males and 10 females.


📌📌 4. Discussions and consultations about the federal unit were done at the regular meeting of Committee Representing Magway Region (CRMH)

The regular meeting of the Committee Representing Magway Region (CRMH) was held on October 6, and discussions were done regarding the federal unit.

The regular meeting of the Committee Representing Magway Region (CRMH) (2/2023) was held at 1:00 p.m. and it is reported that discussions and consultations regarding the federal unit were done at the meeting.

After that, the meeting was successfully concluded at 3:30 p.m., after the future steps of the CRMH were adopted.


📌📌 5. The NUG representative to the Czech Republic urged to join the PRF program 

U Lin Thant, the NUG representative to the Czech Republic, urged to join the PRF (People’s Revolution Supply Family) support troops.

“The People’s Spring Revolution, the resistance war and the “support” duty. In other words, all three of these topics are interconnected. We all know how important the support sector is, especially in the resistance war. It may be difficult for people at home and abroad to participate personally, whether in arm resistance or civil resistance. But most of them will be able to serve as a supporter. Support for the PDF Army is carried out by the PRF. There are more than 56 million people in the country. There are at least 3 million Myanmar expatriates who still have ties to Myanmar. With a total of about 60 million, why can’t we get 3 to 4 lakh PRF support troops?” it stated.

In the new People’s Revolution Supply Family 2.0 (PRF 2.0) program, support family members will have the opportunity to choose the states and regions they want to support, and the funds will be distributed to the People’s Defense Force (PDF) Army’s battalions/columns or allied revolutionary organizations based in the regions selected by the support family members.

During the 17-month period from December 2021 to April 2023, when the People’s Revolution Supply Family (PRF) program was launched, an estimated US$10.93 million was received. The received money was used to support the battalions/columns of the People’s Defense Force (PDF) Army of the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government, estimated at US$9.03 million. In support of the PRF program, an estimated US$1.9 million was sent directly to People’s Defense Forces (PaKaFa), Local Defense Forces (LDFs) and military weapons production teams.


📌📌 6. About 20 junta soldiers and Pyu members were killed when the defense forces attacked their camp in Thone Se Pay Village, Madaya Township

The Madaya Township People’s Defense Force confirmed the military news on October 6 that about 20 junta soldiers and Pyu members were killed in an attack by the defense forces on their camp where the troops were stationed in the village of Thone Se Pay, Madaya Township.

“At 9:45 a.m. on October 5, the allied forces of the Madaya Township People’s Defense Force (PaKaFa), Pathein Gyi Township People’s Defense Force (PaKaFa), Sky Revolutionary Force and Shwebo District Battalion 15 – Eagle Guerrilla Force, bombed the military council’s base camp in Madaya Township’s Thone Se Pay Village with a drone attack and fired from a distance of 100 meters near the base camp,” it stated.

It is said that about 20 people (junta soldiers and Pyu members) were killed and 11 were injured due to the attack.

After the battle, the alliance lost a drone and the people’s comrades were able to retreat unharmed.


📌📌 7. Attacking villages ruled by Pyu Saw Htee in Pakokku Township resulted in the deaths of 11 junta soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee members 

On October 6, Zarmani Guerrilla Force informed that 11 junta soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee members were killed when they attacked the villages ruled by Pyu Saw Htee in Pakokku Township.

“We attacked Ywar Thit Village, Taung Yar Village, Myauk Yar Village, Yae Nan Chat Village, and Oke Kyaung Village, which were ruled by Pyu Saw Htee in Pakokku Township, killing 11 soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee members. A jammer, uniforms of junta soldiers under the 88th Division, and military equipment were seized. 2 members of the people’s defense force got non-critical injuries,” it stated.

The operation was cooperatively conducted by Zarmani Guerrilla Force, Pakokku District Battalion 8, Company 1, 2 and 3 of the Myaing People’s Defense Force Battalion 2, Myaing Rural Guerrilla Force (Myaing) MRGF, Salingyi Special Task Force –SSTF (Yinmarbin District Battalion 14 and 15) and Earthquake People’s Defence Force.


📌📌 8. A military junta’s vehicle that came to pick up the injured hit a mine in Myaing Township, resulting in casualties

On October 6, the Myaing Underground Defense Force-MUGDF confirmed that there may have been casualties when the military junta’s vehicle that came to pick up the injured hit a landmine in Myaing Township.

On October 3, junta soldiers guarding the Kaing Taw Ma water well were attacked as they came out, which resulted in the deaths of four and serious injuries to three.

The dead were picked up by the junta soldiers stationed at the Myaing DI factory.

On the morning of October 4, Myaing Underground Defense Force-MUGDF and Myaing PaKaFa Battalion-3 Company 1 conducted an attack with 8 landmines including IED when junta soldiers from Myaing DI Factory came and carried the dead and wounded soldiers in a car.

After the attack, more mines were laid in order to clear the area. It is said that one MA-3 gun was left behind, the car collided with a tree, and there may have been casualties.


📌📌 9. From January to October 6, 2023, the terrorist junta arrested more than 1,800 people, with the highest numbers in Sagaing and Yangon Regions

From January 2023 to October 6, the terrorist junta arrested more than 1,800 people across the country, with Sagaing and Yangon recording the highest.

On October 6, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) informed.

“From January to October 6, 2023, (500) women, (1,363) men, and (1) transgender people; (1,864) people in total, have been arrested by the junta across the country. Sagaing Region records the highest number of arrests with (365) people and Yangon Region follows the second highest number of arrests with (316) people.

On September 30, junta forces arrested Aung Hsann Win and Myo Su Thet from Sein Kone Ward in Sagaing Town, Sagaing Region, at their house who both joined the Civil Disobedience Movement. On October 4, the junta seized their house. They are currently detained at Sagaing Myoma Police Station,” AAPP stated.




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