(14/01/2024) Weekly News in English

The Union Minister for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the National Unity Government, Daw Zin Mar Aung states that there is no concern regarding statement of the China’s Policy Position in an interview, the National Unity Government holds a press conference regarding the airstrike attack on Kanan village at Khampat Sub-Township of Sagaing Region and the Three Brotherhood Alliance press releases that the terrorist military junta has launched using with heavy weapons, jet fighters, helicopters, drones and warships to the Ta-aung and Rakhine region.


1. The Union Minister for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the National Unity Government, Daw Zin Mar Aung, stated in an interview in January that there is no concern about China's policy position. Since all of the countries are making an attempt to balance world politics. Previously, some have criticized the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of NUG for being too close to Western countries and having less relations with neighboring countries, including India, Thailand, and ASEAN. And now they believe that by releasing such a policy on China's position, we will be alienated from other countries. We, the NUG government, have practiced diplomatic communication with all of the countries in a balanced manner, so there is no need to worry. The National Unity Government officially issued its 10-point position on China on January 1, 2024. Maintaining and protecting the security of China's economic investments and other socio-economic enterprises in Myanmar while striving to promote the interests of the people of the two countries was one of the statements among them.


2. The National Unity Government held a press conference on January 12 in response to the airstrike attack on Kanan village in Khampat Sub-Township, Tamu Township, Tamu District, Sagaing Region. At the press conference, Daw Yati Ohn, a teacher and eyewitness to the airstrike attack, explained her experience in the ground situation. She said that on that day after the bombing incident, patients were transported by car. She witnessed the following patients: one with a severely damaged skull and missing brains; another with visible stomach and intestines; and a final patient with eyes coming out the back of the head. They are all dead. The terrorist military group attacked Kanan village with high-explosive bombs using an A-5 fighter jet on January 7, 2024, at 10:50 a.m., where there were no clashes at all. The bombing killed 17 people, including a 5-year-old boy. The Township In-Charge of the Ministry of Women, Youth, and Children Affairs, Ma Khaing Lay, also explained that the bombing attack occurred in a residential area where the terrorist military group targeted the church and school in Kanan village. There were many people affected, and they provided medical treatment and cash assistance for them. Although the terrorist military group denied the Kanan airstrike attack, the NUG had received video evidence of the aerial bombardment. The spokesperson of the presidential office of NUG, U Kyaw Zaw, also clarified that they had collected evidence of aerial bombing and war crimes. They are engaging with international organizations and the United Nations' investigation mechanism to prosecute the terrorist military group's crimes. The bombing injured 19 people, including a 3-year-old child. About 10 houses were damaged; two two-story schools and a Christian church were also damaged.


3. The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management of the National Unity Government held a three-day advanced training of trainers (ToT) course in December 2023 for humanitarian officers in charge on the ground in the Sagaing and Magway regions, as well as the Kachin, Chin, and Karenni States, to mitigate civilian casualties and enhance community disaster resilience. The course covered aviation and heavy weapons threat prevention and combat drill training, as well as raising awareness about the dangers of military equipment and chemical weapons, including landmines; first aid techniques in armed conflict situations; and lessons on psychosocial empowerment support programs and humanitarian safety. It has been reported that in order to prepare for the reduction of civilian casualties according to their respective townships, humanitarian officers in charge from the 23 townships that attended the training conducted advanced training on the ground and shared knowledge with 8,036 local people 82 times. In areas where the People's Defense Forces and the ethnic alliance forces are conducting operations in a balanced manner, the terrorist military group frequently commits atrocities and war crimes against civilian villages using heavy weaponry, landmines, and indiscriminate bombardment. According to reports from the ground, the terrorist military junta bombed villages 583 times, killing 897 civilians and destroying 76 religious buildings and 52 schools. The fatalities included 627 children under the age of 18 and 1,017 women.


4. The Three Brotherhood Alliance has announced in a press release that the terrorist military junta has begun attacking the Ta-aung and Rakhine regions with heavy weaponry, jet fighters, helicopters, drones, and warships. The terrorist military junta attacked the Ta-aung region with heavy weapons, jet fighters, and helicopters; they also attacked the Rakhine region with airstrikes, warships, and drones. The terrorist military junta forces launched an airstrike on January 12th, using 15 Y12 aircraft and 9 Mi-35 helicopters to attack the villages of Pan Khaw, Pan Phat, Kaung Phyu, Pan Nar, Pan Hon, and Khone Sar in the Ta'ang National Liberation Army TNLA Brigade-6 military area, Lashio Township, with 130 bombs. The terrorist military junta launched two attacks on Kuam Hae Village in Nahsam Township using jet fighters, according to the Three Brotherhood Alliance. On January 12, from early in the morning until noon, the terrorist military junta launched multiple attacks utilizing fighter jets, Mi-35 helicopters, and warships. As a result, a number of houses in Min Bya Township, Rakhine State, were destroyed by fire. Upon entering Min Bya Township, the terrorist military junta navy troops set fire to several houses. Furthermore, the terrorist military junta navy troops attacked Taung Phu Village in Pauktaw Township at 8:00 a.m. on January 11th, along with two warships and over 30 troops. They used gasoline to set fire to almost the entire village, completely destroying everything. Under the terrorist military junta, the No. 12 Police Battalion, stationed in Sittwe, attacked Pauktaw Township and nearby villages housing civilians with heavy weaponry and aerial drone attacks. According to the military press release issued by the Three Brotherhood Alliance on January 11, the terrorist military junta forces are being attacked with heavy weapons in villages in Ta-aung and Rakhine areas, while the Arakan Army-AA is engaged in intense fighting with the terrorist military junta forces, and the AA is conducting final camp station battles in Paletwa Township.




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