(22/09/2024) Weekly News in English

The Union Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, Mann Win Khaing Than attends the Interim Local Public Administration Development Central Committee meeting, EROs and nine state/ethnic representative councils announce that they will collaborate to build the future federal democratic union, with a focus on (Bottom-up Federalism) and  the Union Minister for the Ministry of Human Rights of the National Unity Government, U Aung Myo Min clarifies the situation of human rights and natural disasters in Myanmar during a diplomatic briefing in Geneva.
clarifies the situation of human rights and natural disasters in Myanmar during a diplomatic briefing in Geneva.


1. The Union Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, Mann Win Khaing Than attended the Interim Local Public Administration Development Central Committee meeting on September 19. At the meeting, the Union Prime Minister highlighted that the people's government is working hard on the two goals at the same time; creating the country and revolution against the military junta.  The effects of the flood, such as rehabilitation, the restoration of food supplies, the need to repair damaged plantations, the development of infectious diseases, and the requirement of safe drinking water, are currently being experienced by those living in the affected areas.  He also stated that many more rehabilitation are required, and it will be difficult to manage everything immediately. The Union Prime Minister advises that existing funds and donations from well-wishers be used carefully and in accordance with specific priorities.  The meeting was attended by the Union Prime Minister, Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Joint Permanent Secretaries, and officials from relevant departments.


2. The Ethnic armed organizations- EROs and nine state/ethnic representative councils have announced that they will collaborate to build the future federal democratic union, with a focus on strengthening the state to the union. It is stated that from the strengthening of the state to the union (Bottom-up Federalism), the original owners of sovereignty are the state/federal units and the people within those state/federal units, which are founded on equality and self-determination.  It is also stated that it will be built on crucial power-sharing principles such as sovereignty, solidarity, public subsidiarity, and proportionality. It was also discussed how the revolutionary forces will continue to cooperate and implement bottom-up federalism processes; these agreements and procedures were implemented. The following organizations have announced their support to strengthen the upcoming federal democratic union: the Karen National Union (KNU), Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP), Ta'ang Political Consultative Committee (TPCC), Women's League of Burma (WLB), New Mon State Party (Anti-Military Dictatorship) (NMSP-AD), Mon State Federal Council (MSFC), Chin National Front (CNF), and Pa-O National Federal Council (PNFC), and Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC).


3. The Union Minister for the Ministry of Human Rights of the National Unity Government, U Aung Myo Min clarified the situation of human rights and natural disasters in Myanmar during a diplomatic briefing in the United Nations Conference Hall in Geneva, Switzerland, on September 19. The Union Minister urged international diplomats and UN agency officials to contact ethnic organizations and those working on the ground to provide humanitarian assistance to the Myanmar people affected by the flood. He also stated that the military has been exploiting and misusing the humanitarian assistance for successive eras. He further stated that humanitarian aid is currently being prevented from reaching places outside their control, interfering with the bank transfer systems, and forcing those who evacuated due to the flood to return to conduct household censuses. Furthermore, the Union Minister noted that he relied on ground reports to assess the conditions of people who fled their homes as a result of military aircraft strikes on civilians, as well as those displaced by Typhoon Yagi.  The NUG government is collaborating with ethnic organizations to assist and rescue those affected by the flood, as well as to provide the greatest emergency response possible.  He also added that the current situation in Myanmar requires international cooperation; therefore humanitarian aid will be delivered through the cross-border strategy. In a joint statement, the NUG and ethnic armed organizations (EROs) like KNU, KNPP, and CNF stated that over 700,000 people had been affected by the floods, with around 1,000 civilian casualties.


4. The Canadian Embassy in Myanmar issued an official announcement on September 18th, that urging the military junta to grant full and unhindered humanitarian access. The announcement stated that Canada is deeply saddened by the devastating floods that caused the loss of many lives and extensive damage to homes, infrastructure, and livelihoods in many parts of Myanmar. We extend our deepest condolences to those affected. In addition, Canada is supporting partners to provide critical humanitarian assistance to affected communities across the country. We reiterate our call on the military regime to grant full and unhindered humanitarian access.


5. According to a statement from the Ta'ang National Liberation Army PSLF/TNLA, military junta forces are targeting locals in Hsipaw and Nawnghkio Townships with aerial bombardment on a regular basis and attacking with heavy weaponry. According to the statement, a jet fighter flew three times on September 19, from 12:30 to 01:50 PM, dropping 11 bombs, including a 500-pound bomb that might have killed many civilians. Furthermore, the military station used heavy weaponry to launch its attack. An explosion happened as a result of such a bomb strike in Konkyone Village of Hsipaw Township, causing damage to the local houses. Similarly, on September 19th, at 3:00 a.m. in Nawnghkio Township, a military junta Y-Y12 aircraft dropped more than 60 bombs on the railway station, west of the ordination hall, banana plantation, and Myoma market, causing damage to homes and shops. The military junta targeted civilians in their daily lives in Kutkai, Namsan, Mantong, Hsipaw, Kyaukme, Nawnghkio, and Namkham Townships controlled by the Ta'ang National Liberation Army PSLF/TNLA, and the military junta intentionally committed war crimes. 




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