(In English) 3rd Oct 2023 - Evening Daily News by Radio NUG

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📌 Spring Revolution Local News – Oct 03, 2023 (Evening)

📌📌 1. NUG’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues Statement on Myanmar Junta’s Participation in EU-ASEAN CSOs Forum in Brussels

The National Unity Government (NUG) Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement yesterday on Myanmar junta’s participation in EU-ASEAN CSOs Forum in Brussels, held on October 3, 2023.

The NUG expressed concern over the invitation extended to representatives of Myanmar’s illegitimate junta to participate in the EU-ASEAN CSOs Forum, titled “Advancing Human Rights: Creating an Enabling Environment for CSOs at the Regional Level,” scheduled to commence on October 3. This forum is co-organised by the European Union and the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights.

The NUG conveyed its deep disappointment at the inclusion of representatives from the military junta, which has been inflicting brutalities on its own people, including the tragic murder of civil society activists, healthcare professionals, teachers, and innocent schoolchildren, along with the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The NUG emphasised that the European Union and the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights should exclusively engage in a genuine human rights dialogue with the legitimate, democratically-elected representatives of Myanmar.


📌📌 2. Interim Local Administrative Central Committee (ILACC) holds Discussions with Township People’s Administrative Organisations (PAOs) from Sagaing Region

The 39th meeting between the National Unity Government (NUG)’s Interim Local Administrative Central Committee (ILACC) and the Township People’s Administrative Organisations (PAOs) from Sagaing Region was held online on October 2. At the meeting, Nai Suwanna (aka) Nai Tun Pe, Union Minister of Labour and a member of the ILACC, delivered opening remarks.

Following that, officials from relevant ministries provided details about their respective department’s functions, and the PAO representatives inquired about relevant policies and guidelines, also bringing up the challenges they encountered on the ground. These concerns were then addressed and discussed by the ministries.

The meeting was chaired by Union Minister Nai Suwanna, and was attended by permanent secretaries, associate permanent secretaries and officials from various ministries, and representatives from PAOs in Sagaing Region.


📌📌 3. NUG’s Ministry of Justice holds Meeting with Township Legal Officers

The 13th meeting between the Department of Lawsuits and Cases of the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Justice and township legal officers was held online on September 30, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.

The meeting was attended by U Thein Oo, Union Minister of Justice, Permanent Secretary Daw May Aung Thu and other officials from relevant departments within the Ministry of Justice, as well as township legal officers. The meeting began with opening remarks delivered by Union Minister U Thein Oo.

Following that, Union Minister U Thein Oo, Permanent Secretary Daw May Aung Thu, and Deputy Permanent Secretary U Min Naung Khaing provided explanations on matters related to the budget, financial reports, budget allocation, and financial discipline to the township legal officers.

Subsequently, U Naing Myo Tun, Director General of the Prosecution Department, delivered an overview of the department’s activities. This was followed by addressing the queries of the township legal officers, engaging in general discussions, making meeting decisions, and outlining future plans.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m., with concluding remarks delivered by Permanent Secretary Daw May Thu Aung.


📌📌 4. KNU Disassociates Itself from Military Junta’s Meeting with Former Chairman, Calls It a Divisive Tactic

The Karen National Union (KNU) Supreme Headquarters released a statement on October 2, 2023, asserting that the meeting involving the former KNU chairman, Saw Moo Htoo Say Poe, and a group of former KNU personnel with the military junta, is a conspiracy devised by the military junta with the aims of weakening the KNU’s unity and fostering doubt among its allied forces engaged in the collective effort of overthrow and putting an end to the dictatorship.

The KNU issued this statement in reaction to reports from junta-controlled media, concerning a visit by former KNU Chairman Saw Moo Htoo Say Poe, former KNU Central Executive Committee (CEC) member Padoh Saw Roger Khin, and former Dooplaya District chairman Padoh Saw Shwe Maung to the military junta leader Min Aung Hlaing in Naypyidaw on September 30 for what the junta described as peace talks.

In August, during a press conference following the KNU’s 17th Congress, the KNU strongly denounced the regime as illegitimate and declared that no political negotiations would take place with the junta.

The KNU reiterated its unwavering dedication to the revolution, emphasising that it “resolutely stands together with others who are in the same boat fighting to terminate the dictatorship and will continue to persistently fight.”


📌📌 5. Overseas Chin Community Donates 40 AK-47 Rifles, 12,000 Rounds of Ammo, and 120 Magazines to CDF-Mindat

The International Mindat K’Cho Organization (IMCO), in collaboration with Heal the World and CEA (Norway), supported a Chin defence force, the CDF-Mindat, with 40 AK-47 rifles, 12,000 rounds of ammunition, and 120 magazines on September 28, 2023.

IMCO initiated a campaign in June 2022 to procure 50 firearms, along with 15,000 rounds of ammunition and 150 magazines, for CDF-Mindat. The total funding required for this endeavour amounted to US$185,000. IMCO managed to secure the necessary funds through the sale of raffle tickets, ultimately raising US$70,072.71. After providing the urgent need for emergency food supplies for the force, US$58,749.40 was allocated for the procurement of the military equipment.

To bridge the funding gap, Heal the World, led by Dr. Aye Nyein Thu, and CEA (Norway) contributed US$35,000, while the majority of the remaining funds were collected from IMCO members on a monthly basis. IMCO announced that the outstanding 10 guns, 3,000 rounds of ammunition, and 30 magazines will be acquired soon.

Due to the high-intensity military situation in the Mindat area of Chin State, frequent clashes and conflicts are common occurrences.


📌📌 6. Crony Businessman Linked to Junta Ministries of Defense and Home Affairs, Involved in Weapons Procurement, Shot Dead in Yangon

Crony businessman Nyan Lwin Aung, close to the junta’s ministries of defence and home affairs and involved in the procurement of military equipment to the junta, was shot dead in Yangon last night.

The Yangon-based guerrilla group Urban Owls announced early this morning that they had shot and killed crony arms dealer Nyan Lwin Aung, who has unrestricted access to the junta’s ministries of defence and home affairs, and his guard at about 10:00 p.m. on October 2 at the intersection of Anawrahta road and 17th street in Latha township.

Urban Owls also revealed that in addition to procuring equipment for the Ministry of Defence, Nyan Lwin Aung, commonly known as Ko Nyan, collaborated with the Ministry of Home Affairs to import and install facial recognition security cameras for large-scale public surveillance.

Urban Owls asserted that Nyan Lwin Aung considered himself as a key figure among military-associated businessmen and openly supported the military coup. Furthermore, it was reported that he compelled his company’s employees to recite the four oaths of allegiance, used within the military, every morning.

The statement also revealed that Nyan Lwin Aung frequently accompanied Myanmar military generals on trips to Russia, a major arms supplier to Myanmar and had a close relationship with an executive official of the Russian Ministry of Defence.


📌📌 7. UN OCHA Reports Nearly Two Million Internally Displaced People in Myanmar in Precarious Conditions Requiring Lifesaving Assistance

The United Nations OCHA released the monthly Humanitarian Update report on Myanmar on October 2, 2023, stating that nearly 2 million people are now internally displaced in precarious conditions and require lifesaving assistance.

“Ongoing conflict and monsoon floods continue to cause new displacement, civilian casualties, and destruction of civilian properties, further worsening the already dire humanitarian situation in Myanmar,” stated the report. The report further stated, “The threat to civilians from explosive ordnance is spreading with new data showing that for the first time, landmine casualties have now been recorded in every state and region, except Nay Pyi Taw.”

Local and international humanitarian organisations are continually expanding and adjusting their efforts to address the growing needs. However, the report noted that access challenges and administrative restrictions are leading to extended delays or the postponement of scheduled relief operations. These challenges are exacerbating the hardships faced by affected and displaced communities.

Over the course of two and a half years since the arbitrary military coup, Myanmar has witnessed a significant decline in its economic, health, and social sectors, all exacerbated by the ongoing political instability.

The terrorist military is intentionally targeting the civilian population, which includes carrying out airstrikes and heavy weapon shelling against civilians, launching arson attacks on villages, and arbitrarily abducting and killing civilians. Consequently, this has led to the displacement of millions of civilians.




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