(In English) 8th Oct 2023 - Evening Daily News by Radio NUG

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📌 Spring Revolution Local News – Oct 08, 2023 (Evening)

📌📌 1. Junta’s Supreme Court Rejects Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s Appeal on Six Corruption Convictions

The Union Supreme Court, under the junta’s rule, announced on October 6 that it has rejected appeals against six corruption convictions for State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Among these cases, four were related to the Daw Khin Kyi Foundation, a charitable organisation named after the State Counsellor’s mother, and the remaining two cases involved accusations of receiving bribery of US$550,000 from businessman Maung Weik. As a result, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has been unjustly sentenced to a cumulative total of nine years in prison across these six cases.

In contrast, despite the notoriety of high-ranking officer Lieutenant-General Moe Myint Tun for significant corruption, the military junta has refrained from conducting transparent investigations, instead choosing to keep such matters concealed.


📌📌 2. Revolutionary Organisations Extend Congratulations to Tavoy People Liberation Force (TPLF) on Its Second Anniversary

More than twelve revolutionary organisations, including the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and the Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF), have sent congratulatory messages to mark the second anniversary of the formation of the Tavoy People Liberation Force (TPLF). On October 6, the TPLF celebrated its second-year anniversary with a military parade in Dawei (Tavoy) Township, Tanintharyi Division.

In its letter, the KNDF expressed its appreciation for the dedication of the TPLF’s leaders and comrades. It affirmed its commitment to continue supporting the TPLF to the best of its abilities and expressed readiness to collaborate closely with the TPLF in the fight against dictatorship and in the pursuit of national equality, self-determination, and a federal union. Furthermore, the KNDF conveyed its best wishes to the TPLF for success in both their military and political endeavours in pursuit of their objectives.

In its Second Anniversary Statement, the TPLF reiterated its founding mission, emphasising that it was established with the purpose of combating the military junta and bringing an end to multiple forms of dictatorship, which include military dictatorship and racial chauvinism, in order to achieve a federal union that guarantees freedom, justice, equality, and the right to self-determination.


📌📌 3. Tangoo District PDF Launches Attack on Military Base in Tangoo Township, Eliminating 10 Junta Soldiers

According to a statement released by the Bago Region People’s Defence Force (PDF), at early hours on October 7, PDF forces initiated an assault on a military base located in Kyoe Pin Sake village in Tangoo Township on the Western Ranges. The operation was a joint effort involving Squadrons 1 and 5 of the Tangoo District PDF Battalion 3501. The engagement resulted in a three-hour-long exchange of gunfire between the PDF forces and the junta troops stationed at the base. However, the combined PDF forces were unable to capture the base and ultimately withdrew as reinforcements arrived.

The Bago Region PDF asserted that the exchange of gunfire resulted in the deaths of 10 junta soldiers, with several others sustaining injuries. One member of the combined PDF forces suffered minor injuries during the engagement.

Furthermore, on the evening of October 6, the combined forces of the Pyay District PDF Battalions 3601 and 3602 conducted an ambush on a military junta column consisting of 25 troops as they came out from a military base situated on the Eastern Ranges. The ambush resulted in the elimination of 2 junta troops, while 5 others sustained injuries.


📌📌 4. Htigyaing Township People’s Administration Organisation (Htigyaing PAO) Constructs Roads for Transportation and Offers Food Aid to Villagers Affected by Arson Attacks

The Htigyaing Township People’s Administrative Organisation (Htigyaing PAO/Pa-Ah-Fa) has initiated road construction projects to facilitate transportation and the movement of agricultural products for local residents. Additionally, they have extended their support to provide food aid to residents of villages affected by arson attacks in Htigyaing Township, Sagaing Division.

Of the 29 village tracts in Htigyaing Township, 26 are currently under the control of revolutionary forces. Consequently, the military junta has been targeting these areas, conducting raids, and initiating arson attacks. At the moment, the villages in Htigyaing Township that have suffered from arson attacks face challenges in rebuilding houses due to the ongoing advancements of the military junta columns. However, agricultural activities are able to resume as usual. Therefore, people’s administrative organisations are actively involved in constructing roads, not only for emergency use but also to facilitate the transportation of goods within the region.

“It is also aimed at facilitating convenient transport in emergency situations. Importantly, the villages that have been targeted and burned in this area are primarily agricultural villages. Due to their agricultural nature, transportation can be challenging during the production season, particularly due to the presence of rain and strong winds,” a member of the Htigyaing PAO said. Additionally, he mentioned that they are extending assistance to the villages impacted by the military junta’s arson attacks through a dedicated project. This project was designed to deliver aid for a duration of four months, but as of now, they have been able to provide aid for only one month.

Furthermore, the Htigyaing PAO has offered financial support to specific vulnerable groups, including pregnant women, children under two years old, elderly individuals over 80 years old, and people with disabilities.

Htigyaing Township has shown strong opposition to the military coup, and for this reason, the military junta has resorted to burning down thousands of houses in villages in the township.


📌📌 5. Anyar Pyi Taing Htaung Lay Myar Charity Group Provides Kitchen Items to Households Affected by Arson Attacks in Yinmabin Township

“Anyar Pyi Taing Htaung Lay Myar” charity group, located in central Myanmar, has reported that they extended assistance by providing kitchen items to 46 households from a village that fell victim to a junta arson attack. Each household received a package that included a cooking pot, one pyi of rice (approximately 2.557 L), one plastic bucket, soap, two steel bowls, three spoons, one toothpaste, 50 ticals of cooking oil (equivalent to about 16.33 g), one canned fish, and 5,000 kyats in cash. The total value of the support for each household amounted to 32,000 kyats.

As per the statement, the charitable donation was provided on October 6, and the recipient households were from the village that was subjected to an arson attack by the terrorist military troops on July 11. The residents of this village are encountering numerous challenges due to the lack of convenient road access.

“We will reach out to people in need, no matter how challenging the situation,” said a member of “Anyar Pyit Taing Htaung Lay Myar” charity group who visited the villages affected by arson attacks by using cow carts.

“Anyar Pyi Taing Htaung Lay Myar” is a youth charity group that is actively engaged in offering assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs) and individuals affected by arson in the Yinmabin, Salingyi, and Pale areas.


📌📌 6. Zomi (Chin) People in Australia Organize Traditional Khua Do Festival and Call For Continued Presence of Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun at UN

The Zomi people, a tribe of the Chin ethnic group, organised their traditional Khua Do festival in Australia, during which they called for the continued presence of Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun as the Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the UN. This festival took place on October 7 in Brisbane, Australia.

As part of the global effort to advocate for the United Nations to retain Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, who truly represents the voice of the Myanmar people at the UN, people both within the country and internationally are actively campaigning in support of his role.


📌📌 7. “Spring Revolution Show Bangkok” To Be Organised In Bangkok To Support IDPs and children in Myanmar

The “Spring Revolution Show Bangkok”, a fundraising show to raise funds to support internationally displaced persons (IDPs) and children in Myanmar, will be organised in Bangkok. The show is scheduled to take place on October 29 at Phra Pradaeng Arcade Market, Bangkok, Thailand.

“The event is the first in Bangkok. Moreover, we are trying hard to organise this event amid various difficulties and challenges. So I would like to encourage Burmese people arriving in Thailand to participate in and support this event,” Ko Hein Waiyan, a member of the event organiser, said.

The “Spring Revolution Show Bangkok” will feature performances by numerous artists actively involved in the Spring Revolution, including the Har Ngar Kaung troupe, Novem Htoo, Muu Lar, Toe Gyi, and John Derek.

Tickets for the show are available for 400 baht per ticket, and the funds generated from the event will primarily be allocated to support the livelihoods, healthcare, and education of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and children in Myanmar.




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