Weekly News in English (16/06/2024)

The Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government calls for effective international action against the terrorist military council that is targeting schools, the Arakha Army (ULA/AA) holds a press conference on June 8th, stating that  they will recognize and support a government that accepts full responsibility for the entire Myanmar people and according to a World Bank report releases on Wednesday, Myanmar's poverty rate has increased over the last six years.


1. The Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government on June 6th called for effective international action against the terrorist military council that is targeting schools. It is stated that the international community has a unique responsibility to take proactive initiatives that will benefit the children impacted by Myanmar's education system, as well as to ensure that children have the right to a safe education and the establishment of secure learning environments. On June 4th, a bomb exploded at Basic Education Primary School in Eainshaepyin Ward, Dawei, Tanintharyi Region, killing three students and injuring around 20 others. On June 5th, the terrorist military council launched an airstrike on Kan Myint Kone Monastery in Myaing Township, Magway Region, killing four children who were war refugees and studying, and injuring over 20 others. The terrorist military council's forces bombarded schools with jet fighters, opened fire with heavy weapons, and deployed based on schools, all of which violated UN Security Council resolutions and international humanitarian law. The Ministry of Education has issued a strong condemnation and objection to any organization that engages in terrorist acts, such as utilizing schools as military bases and targeting bombings. 


2. The 112th Session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) is currently underway in Geneva, Switzerland. The Labor representative of the Myanmar Labor Union-MLA, a tripartite member of the National Unity Government, Daw Phyo Sandar Soe was selected as a Worker Deputy Member representative in the governing body of ILO for the term of 2024-2027. Moreover, Daw Khaing Zar Aung received with the prestigious “Arthur Svensson International Prize for Trade Union Rights” in 2024 which was awarded by the Norwegian Trade Union, for her labor union rights efforts.


3. The Arakhan Army (ULA/AA) conducted a press conference on June 8th. At the press conference, the ULA/AA stated that they are establishing self-determination and a confederation and that they will recognize and support a government that accepts full responsibility for the entire Myanmar people. In response to the reporter's query regarding who will be recognized, the terrorist military council or the National Unity Government, spokesperson U Khing Thukha stated, if they have to say our point of view, who does the entire Myanmar people recognize? Who would you prefer? Who is capable of accepting responsibility on behalf of the Myanmar people? He also stated that, as ULA/AA throughout the revolution, they are following Rakkhita's exordium to develop a society in which they can create their own future. He reiterated that they have achieved complete self-determination and confederation. Until now, they have not stated that ULA/AA should separate. They are aiming to create a stable and peaceful future by appreciating each other's importance. As Rakhine people, they will always respect and honor the wishes of the entire Myanmar people and assist them to the greatest extent feasible. They are working to achieve equality for all ethnic groups living in Rakhine State, as well as elaborate rights and responsibilities, and the people of Rakhine have been clearly informed about Rakkhita's exordium and the military objective; when the people's military objective is met, the fighting can be stopped to some extent. It is also directly concerned with the issue of how to deal with the terrorist military council. On November 13, 2023, AA launched the Paletwa operation in the Rakhine region and Chin State, and in almost 7 months, Paletwa and 9 townships in Rakhine State had been completely captured and controlled, with the remaining 8 townships, including Ann and Sittwe, being informed that they would continue to attack. 


4. The Political Prisoners Network - Myanmar (PPNM) reported on June 13th that a prisoner from Kyaikmaraw Prison in Mon State was electrocuted and fell from a height of more than 20 feet, endangering his life. On June 12th, after 5:00 p.m., the prisoner fell from a 20-feet-high brick wall between the women's and men's dorms because he was forced to work at a height of 20 feet, but the prison authorities did not provide safety equipment for those who would attend and work, thus he fell. The prisoner is in critical condition and is currently receiving treatment at Mawlamyine People Hospital. The PPNM has warned political prisoners' families not to worry too much about Kyaikmayaw Prison, as there was no protest inside the prison.


5. According to a World Bank report released on Wednesday, Myanmar's poverty rate has increased over the last six years, the country is experiencing civil war, and the country's progress will be only 1% in the current fiscal year. The report highlights a number of difficulties facing Myanmar's economy and people. Inflation and unemployment are high, and poverty has become widespread across the country. According to a report by Southeast Asian countries, there has been political and economic instability since the military coup in 2021, which ended a decade of democratic and economic progress. In December, the World Bank predicted that Myanmar's economy would grow by roughly 2% in the current fiscal year, however GDP growth in March 2024 was revised up to 1%.The decrease in growth expected for 2024/25 is mainly due to inflation, labor shortages, insufficient electricity, and foreign exchange rates. The country's civil war displaced almost 3 million people, while the poverty rate fell to 32.1% in 2015. The announcement of conscription laws in February resulted in increasing migration and labor shortages in industries. Over the last six months, the junta has lost some border trading cities, and exports have declined 13 percent, while imports have fallen 20 percent. The junta has attempted to control inflation through a series of arrests in recent weeks, and the inflection point will have an impact on Myanmar's population. 





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