(In English) 5th Aug 2023 - Evening Daily News by Radio NUG

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📌 Spring Revolution Local News – Aug 05, 2023 (Evening)

📌📌 1. Human Rights Minister welcomes the stance of the Prime Minister of Timor-Leste

U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister of Human Rights, via Facebook, on August 4, welcomed and expressed his appreciation towards Prime Minster Xanana Gusmao for his stance.

Union Minister U Aung Myo Min said, “I respect the position of the Prime Minister of Timor. The Prime Minister said that he will work to improve the development of democracy in the ASEAN region and oppose the military dictatorship, and that Timor will not join ASEAN as long as there are military dictators in the association. He also urged the ASEAN leaders to find solutions to end the crisis in Myanmar.”

Last month, NUG Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung and NUG’s Representative to the Czech Republic U Linn Thant attended the swearing-in ceremony of the new government of Timor-Leste on the invitation of President Ramos-Horta.


📌📌 2. Secretary of the Ministry of Defence urges single military command for resistance forces

In an interview this week on the present military situation in Myanmar, U Naing Htoo Aung, the Secretary of the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Defence, urged all revolutionary resistance organisations andgroups, including PDF, Pa-Ka-Fa, LDFs, and UGs, to fight under one command.

He said, “Fight under a single military command. No matter how many weapons and ammunition there are, they are all meaningless if [all the forces are] not under a single military command. This is what we learned from our experience. There were many issues in the past since we did not have a commander. It can be said that experiences have taught us the significance of COC (chain of command). Being in a COC requires more emotional restraint than usual. I recognise that it’s challenging.”

Currently, there are over 300 battalions and columns of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) spread throughout the country, in addition to the People’s Defence Organisations (PDOs/Pa-Ka-Fa), which function as People Militia, that have been set up in over 250 townships, local people’s defence forces (LDFs), and urban guerrilla forces (UGs).


📌📌 3. Deputy Human Rights Minister calls for accountability against junta for targeting Rohingya and jailing them

On August 5, U Aung Kyaw Moe, Deputy Minister for the National Unity Government’s Minister of Human Rights, called for accountability against the military junta for targeting Rohingya and jailing them.

“Yesterday morning, the Myanmar junta arrested a total of 72 Rohingya Muslims, 67 males and 5 females, in the sea about four miles away from Kaing Thaung village, Pyinsalu, in Labutta Township of Ayeyarwady Region, while attempting to leave the open-air prison in Rakhine State. The junta must be held accountable for its continued targeting of Rohingya and jailing them,” the Deputy Minister stated via social media.

The military junta is also planning to forcibly return the Rohingya refugees who are fleeing to Bangladesh.


📌📌 4. PDF forces attack junta-backed Pyu Saw Htee members in Thayet Kwa village in Myaing Township for three days in a row

Myaing Township People’s Defence Organisation (Pa-Ka-Fa) released information on August 5 that it had led more than 30 groups of local people’s defence forces to launch an attack against junta-backed Pyu Saw Htee members in Thayet Kwa village in Myaing Township, Magway Region, for three days in a row, from August 2 to 4. During the attack, almost 500 artillery shells were fired by using 100-mm, 80-mm and 60-mm artilleries and 10 Energa grenades were dropped by using drones.

Pyu Saw Htee members reportedly fled into the bunkers and hid without being able to return fire.


📌📌 5. KNDF-allied forces eliminate 84 military council members in 33 clashes in July

On August 5, the Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) headquarters released a press statement on the battle news summary for the month of July.

“In July, the KNDF was involved in 33 clashes that took place across Karenni State. During the above-mentioned clashes, 84 members of the military council were eliminated, 8 weapons and much ammunition were seized from them, and 3 prisoners of war were captured,” the statement said.

According to the statement, during July, the military council conducted 42 airstrikes in Karenni State, and as a result of those attacks, 4 civilians, including an 11-year-old child, were killed and eight others were wounded. In addition, one civilian was killed, and 14 others were wounded as a result of artillery shelling by the military council, which also tortured and killed seven other civilians unprovoked.




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