(In English) 10th Sep 2023 - Morning Daily News by Radio NUG

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📌 Spring Revolution Local News – Sep 10, 2023(Morning) 

📌📌 1. In order to strengthen the judicial sector, a coordination committee will be formed to connect all other ministries in addition to the Ministry of Justice

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said this at the Interim Justice Implementation Committee meeting No. (9/2023) held on September 8.

“We are working to form a coordinating committee, as it is important for our government to work together with the Ministry of Justice and all other ministries to strengthen law enforcement and the judicial sector during the revolution. It is important to lay a solid foundation during the transition period, so everyone needs to put in a lot of effort,” the Union Prime Minister said.

Committee Chairman – Union Prime Minister Mann Win Khaing Than, Deputy Chairman (2) – Union Minister of Justice U Thein Oo and committee members attended the meeting.

After the participants of the meeting presented and discussed the situation related to the recent judicial activities, the chairman of the committee, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, said that since the revolution has gained momentum, the public’s trust can only be achieved if the important judicial activities can only be completed quickly, and everyone should participate and work hard.


📌📌 2. The Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration sent a message that the “Karen National Police Force (KNPF)” may continue to play a leading role in the formation of the Federal Union Police Force in the future federal union

The NUG Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration gladly sent a message on the 32nd Anniversary of “Karen National Police Force (KNPF)” Day, which falls on September 9, that the “Karen National Police Force (KNPF)” may continue to play a leading role in the formation of the Federal Union Police Force in the future federal union. It stated:

“The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration of the National Unity Government is very proud to have the opportunity to send a message on the 32nd Anniversary of the “Karen National Police Force (KNPF)” Day of the KNU-Karen National Union, which falls on September 9.

KNU-Karen National Union has been continuously fighting for the downfall of the dictatorship to build a federal democratic union. On September 9, 1991, the “Karen National Police Force (KNPF)” was established, and now, it has reached 32 years that it has been systematically conducting security, law enforcement and administrative activities for the people in the areas controlled by the KNU-Karen National Union.

We wish the “Karen National Police Force (KNPF)” not only a police force that is respected and trusted by the public and can provide full service to the public, but also in the future federal union, where it takes a leading role in drafting police structures that are consistent with the federal system and in the formation of the federal union police force.”


📌📌 3. The chairman of the Mon State Federal Council said that it is necessary to engage in battles as the army’s forces continue to be decimated

Mon State Federal Council Chairman Nai Suwunna said that it is necessary to engage in battles as the army’s forces continue to be decimated.

On September 9, Mon State Federal Council (MSFC) regular meeting (27/2023) was held through the Zoom platform.

In the opening speech of the meeting, Chairman Nai Suwunna said, “According to the 2nd anniversary report of the People’s Defensive War by the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Defence, more than 12 percent of the army’s forces have been decimated and will continue to be decimated, so it is necessary for us to continue fighting. We are glad to see that the Karenni State Interim Executive Council (IEC), which has been established in Karenni State, is filling the needed department heads and deputy heads in their government departments and implementing its federal unit. As for MSFC, I would like to urge to continue to work together according to the set path.”

In addition, the illegitimacy of the election to be held by the Military Council must be revealed through the Anti-Election Committee established by the MSFC Council.


📌📌 4. Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG) strongly condemns targeted attacks on schools as a military tactic

The Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG) announced this on September 9, the International Day to Protect Education from Attack.

“On the International Day to Protect Education from Attack on September 9, we would like the international community to focus on the current terrorist attacks on schools in the southeast of Myanmar and call for an end to attacks on education worldwide. Standing together with teachers and students, KHRG strongly condemns targeted attacks on schools as a military tactic,” it stated.

Since the military coup in 2021, according to KHRG’s documentation, there have been more than 24 terrorist attacks on schools, and more than 37 school buildings have been completely destroyed (or damaged).

Until September 2023, terrorist attacks on schools in the southeast of Myanmar were more frequent than in the previous two years of 2021 and 2022.


📌📌 5. Villages in Htan Kone Ward, Kanbalu District, are being continuously raided by the military council and burned, forcing civilians from 12 villages to flee again

“On September 9, at 6:00 a.m., a force of about 100 military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee members entered Taung Tae Kone Village in Htan Kone Ward, Kanbalu District, Sagaing Division, from the Pyu camp of Nyaung Zin Lay Village.

Then, at 9 a.m., innocent civilians from 12 nearby villages were forced to flee again due to the burning of the village.

It has not yet been confirmed how many houses were destroyed in the village of Taung Tae Kone, which was burned down by the military council column that came out of Nyaung Zin Lay Village Pyu camp. The column left for the village of Nyaung Zin Gyi at 10:20 a.m. after burning down the village of Taung Tae Kone,” Kyunhla Kanbalu Activists Group – Kanbalu District stated.


📌📌 6. Small Rc planes dropped bombs on the checkpoint near Koe Bin Village, Pakokku Township, Magway Region

On September 9, Pakokku Township’s PaKaFa Company 2, Young Force – UG, informed military news that they attacked the checkpoint near Koe Bin Village, Pakokku Township, Magway Region, by dropping bombs with small Rc planes.

“On the evening of September 8, we attacked the checkpoint near Koe Bin Village, Pakokku Township, Magway Region, by dropping bombs with small Rc planes. We were able to drop them close, and if we know the damage, we will report it,” it stated.

The operation was carried out by Pakokku Township PaKaFa Company 2, Young Force-UG, and Thurain-TR along with Myaing joint revolutionary forces.


📌📌 7. KNLA/PDF allied forces attacked the enemy’s military headquarters in Waw Township with drone bombs and attacked from the ground, killing 2 enemy soldiers and wounding 3

The People’s Defense Force (PDF) (Military Headquarters) released the military news on September 9 that when the KNLA/PDF allied forces attacked the enemy headquarters in Waw Township with drone bombs and attacked from the ground, (2) junta soldiers died and (3) were injured.

“At 5:40 a.m. on September 9, an office in Letpan Village, Waw Township, Bago Region, where the military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee members were stationed, was attacked by the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), People’s Defense Force (PDF), Battalion 3702 Company (4) and allied forces with drone bombs and attacked from the ground.”

During the battle, 2 enemy soldiers were killed and 3 were injured, and among the injured, one (1) three-star rank officer was seriously injured. The defense alliance forces were able to retreat unharmed.


📌📌 8. Sergeant Tun Zaw and Lance Corporal Wai Lwin from the military strategy camp based in Matupi defected to CDF Matupi with weapons and ammunition and were awarded 60 lakh kyat each

CDF Matupi issued an official notice on September 9 that Sergeant Tun Zaw and Lance Corporal Wai Lwin from the Military Strategy Camp based in Matupi defected to CDF Matupi with weapons and ammunition and were awarded 60 lakh kyat each.

“On August 28, 2023, Sergeant Tun Zaw and Lance Corporal Wai Lwin from the military strategy camp based in Matupi town defected to CDF Matupi with weapons and ammunition to join CDM, and CDF Matupi awarded them 60 lakh each,” it stated. 

It has been announced that if the military and policemen come to CDF Matupi with weapons and ammunition to take part in CDM, they will be given a suitable reward and security and other needs will be provided. 


📌📌 9. The “Myanmar Federal Democracy Affairs, Myanmar Traditional Culture and Music Concert” was held in Seoul, Korea, and received a fund of 1,500,000 Korean won for war refugees

On September 9, the Myanmar Federal Democratic Mission Coalition (MFDMC) announced that it had received 1,500,000 Korean won for war relief funds from the “Myanmar Federal Democracy Affairs, Myanmar Traditional Culture and Music Concert” held in Seoul, Korea.

“Myanmar Federal Democratic Affairs, Myanmar Traditional Culture and Music Concert” was held on September 9 (Saturday) in Seoul. The Myanmar Federal Democratic Mission Coalition (MFDMC) and Korean organizations cooperatively and successfully held the “Myanmar Federal Democratic Affairs, Myanmar Traditional Culture and Music Concert” where Myanmar’s revolutionary issues were explained in order for Korea and various countries in the world to know more.

It is said that a total of 1,500,000 Korean won was received for war relief funds, and the audience were enthusiastic about the Myanmar issue and encouraged up to the crowd to fill up the place.




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